How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 20)

Where are the posts and rules about what blizzard punishes the players for? Is logging on through VPN seen as cheating? Is having LAN party at your house where multiple accounts are logged on from the same IP seen as dishonest play?

My matches returned to normal and I am ranking up fine, then for the holiday I have 3 people at my house and we are playing Overwatch. We did not cheat, do anything dishonest or troll. I am now back into the throwers/cheaters queue (call it what you may). I am positive I am doing something that is triggering this but BLIZZARD WILL NOT TELL ME WHAT IT IS SO I CAN AVOID.

I am a rule follower, if there is no VPN (I use VPN to log onto my work intranet) then I will not log onto it when connected. If I am not allowed to have friends and roomates play on my network then I will not permit it, I do not cheat, I am not toxic (I have player rating of 3 sometimes 4) and change hero’s when my team needs even though I know it is hurting my MMR. I am your perfect teammate.

Tell me, what is it they have said so that I can stop this unfairness that is in my account. Blizzard need to inspect my account to see what is going on with it because it is something shady and unfair.

Oh look at that, you lost your accent.

The in-game report UI.


There is no throwers/cheaters queue.

They can’t fix problems that exist only in your mind.

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Sometimes you may use the grammar in the wrong ways but I am not saying to you “look now you are speaking in an accent” what are you even meaning by this? I am asking you real question about comments Blizzard have made about what is seen as deceitful play so I can avoid the “special queue” that I never deserve to be in. You maybe hate me but that does not mean I need to get punished for things I am not doing and the same for you but I actually do not hate you and sometimes even pray for you but I can only do so much, you must walk the rest of the way.

Blizzard is saying “play nice play fair” I do both and get punished yet there are cheaters running amok unabated.