How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 19)

This debate reminds me a lot of the debate of whether quick play MMR affects competitive, where I sure how things work, and so are people that say exactly opposite things. If Blizzard made a clear, new statement, I could point to that, but it probably still wouldn’t convince everybody.

I didn’t actually realize the SRs were so close. I don’t often look at my support sr.

Its just my experience, I often see low level people matched in one game, both sides have them and its not because of MMR as i asked them several times. One side has completely new player and enemy side has diamond smurf.

As I said MMR has definitely priority. Then they probably try to match levels if possible which is hard these days I guess because there is so many people with high levels vs a lot of new account with low levels.

Again, my experience, my opinion. I can be wrong, I am fine with that. I didnt really make notes about this and didnt count levels in my games. Its a thing of past anyway probably as we have much smaller community than we had in past and people had much lower levels so it was a lot more easy to match people by it.

Btw one funny story about this. I started to level up new account, my first QP game ever on it, everyone in game is lvl 1 or 2 expect one guy, who was Grandmaster, silver frame :smiley: (It was several seasons ago btw)

I could not believe that as I never saw anything like that before on new account :). Sometimes is matchmaker doing weird things :slight_smile:

Completely unrelated but not really: I mentioned you in my previous post, was hoping you’d take a look at it because you seem like the guy to ask. I wasn’t sure how else I could contact you or get your attention, so apologies for the off topic reply. Thanks for your time.

you´re bronze. in this Ello everyone thinks this way. Just try improving and learn to only rely on yourself. Ive played there on a smurf (my brothers account) on xbox and i let him do my placements on my pc account them played a few matches, its not that hard to win games just by useing common sense.

Generally posting here is the easiest way of getting my attention. I assume you are referring to Google Sheets SR Tracker, Statistics, & Data Collection. What you’ve done is fine. Generally people who want to track games keep records like these.

Speak for yourself I’d love to be in Silver again, best elo in the game. I feel like Seagull when I am in silver.

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