How come we cant go behind the counter on route 66 attack spawn anymore?

game is literally unplayable now that we cant go behind the counter anymore :frowning:


You can’t get into the Blizzard World rafters in the attack spawn since like Halloween. They keep removing these fun little things and its starting to annoy me.

I noticed that too, and it bothered me to no end.

I quit because of this.

This is an outrage! When will people learn?

If they take away counter privileges at Eichenwalde or Volskaya I’m going to write a strongly worded email.

I like playing bartender/librarian.

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They removed the giant spray bug, the Blizzworld rafters and now the R66 counter?

They better not remove Junkertown or Eichenwalde roof rafters…

There’s also a bug in the training room where multikill lines from Athena don’t play (I don’t think the multikill quotes from the hero play either) and I hope that gets fixed.

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Because the coffee is terrible. Tastes like boiled dirt.

Employees Only! (Now hiring part time)

The bottles in BW attack spawn have never been able to be shattered. Now you can’t get onto the rafters anymore either?

Just delete BW at this point. Or only let the defenders play. Attackers got it bad here.

Blizzard has been Anti-Fun since they banned Pepe the Frog

they’ve been anti-fun since they banned all form of leaderboards

Did you know that during the halloween event we couldn’t knock over the registers in Hollywood movie theater? Then they thankfully brought it back after the event.

Those little fun things being removed kind of suck tbh… It’s strange to complain about. But sometimes they were nice to have

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