How Christmas broke Blizzard World

Get a game set on new Blizney World.

Not only is Blizzard World now a control point but me and several people were trapped in the second attack spawn.

Is it just me or is this patch extra buggy? I’ve never had a bug that game breaking before.


I saw a video on Reddit of it and couldn’t stop laughing

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Weird. Wonder what happened…

Anyone have a link to the video? It sounds like a very entertaining thing to watch LOL

Apparently no1 bothered to play test the map, before releasing it

Everyone, this map has been disabled now until Blizzard can fix the issues:


Yeah hot diddly damn I saw a video of that and idek how code breaks that way.

Just another day in the Overwatch Dev circus… :rofl:

Sombra, was this your work again? Show yourself!

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I just found this?

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Just adding it for easy use.


The magic of coding my friend.

You could implement everything perfectly, and then some where in your 5 million lines code block, a bug pop out because the sky started to rain.

Seriously, I ran into a case of my code suddenly start working when I entered my professor office, didn’t change anything the night before and suddenly it works.

same lmao

So weird the map could use CP code. When it’s a Payload map. You’d think the code for CP wouldn’t be possible to trigger on a payload map at all. Why would it also block the spawn doors from working. If the CP code worked. Shouldn’t it recognize the doors too? Like how does it load only partial code lol.

Editting one map as the big change at all this event?

Nope, break the game

Considering that the Halloween maps weren’t even a part of VS AI and some of the Arcade modes this year, I’m not surprised that there’s yet ANOTHER map bug for Winter. You know it’s bad when freaking Mystery Heroes has to be removed because of it :roll_eyes:

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So is the map still “disabled” because i just played the map in ranked and from the looks there were no issues.

It’s not disabled on Xbox. It’s broken and people spawn out weirdly.

They’ve removed Blizzard world for a while because of bugs [ALL] 1.31 Blizzard World Restored (12/14 11:40AM PST Update)

It’s not removed. I’m on the map right now