How can we make Mercy take skill?

pretty sure jeff said hanzo’s has one of the smallest projectiles in the game actually

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I… am soo tired of hearing “but he has the smallest projectile”

I’m sick of seeing this easy hero/hard hero bull

I’m sorry Genji & Tracer main but every one of you i see all you do is spam & miss a crap ton of your shots & have easy out so how about we change things up for you we take away some of your movement abilities & see where that aim skill gets you

Mercy need changes to her rez & damage boost gone with something more dynamic to replace it imo

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Dying less times than the resses you can pull off is an actual skillset and I’m tired of people pretending it’s not.

Dual beams (only on different targets, can’t use both on the same target) with less strength when using both. Full strength when using ult, the beam used as the secondary stays single target.

okay and? like it’s the literal fact idk why you’re “tired” of hearing the truth sis
all i’m saying is that he does in fact have small projectiles, so when that person said:

they were completely wrong.

Ironic how you quoted one of the wrong developer quotes… you are completely wrong.

Sounds like a great way to kill mercy for more headache when it comes to actually micromanaging heals on people.

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i could’ve sworn that hanzo’s projectile size was incredibly small, do you have the correct source then?

this isn’t really a hill i wanna die on so i have no problem being corrected here

Ana’s unscoped shot is the smallest. You can check for yourself in the practice range. Under 10m away Roadhog’s right click is smaller than Hanzo’s as well. Hanzo’s really isn’t THAT small, and his faster speed made the ratio of the hitbox vs speed too good. Of course it’s not even close to Mercy pistol sized, but then again, Mercy can’t one shot either.

i was never arguing that hanzo’s was the smallest only that it was small in general.

but i’m still waiting for the correct developer quote? since you claim that the one i provided was false, do you have the correct one?

otherwise it’s coming straight from the developers that hanzo has one of, if not the smallest projectile in the game.

this of course is talking about it’s hitbox and not it’s actual size. Ana shots have a hitbox that is considerably larger than the actual projectile.

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When you watch Jjonak’s placements and his team has a mercy who legitimately doesn’t know what he’s doing on mercy in top 500 and it’s really painful to watch, you know mercy takes actual skill when any player actually skilled with mercy can point out all the mistakes they keep making. =)

Jjonak wasn’t too happy and put the mercy on avoid lol.

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There is no correct developer quote. That’s just a wrong one. Developers can also be wrong.

i’m not sure how those who create the projectile sizes for the entire game can be wrong about a projectile they created but ok


Healing amount based based on how long its been since target took damage, not how long you healed them.

Medic required skill by giving out overhealing to give everyone increased max health pools.

“Make her more skillful”
-Takes away SJ

make her a DJ and give her a constant low heal AOE and call her Lucio


looks suspiciously to Moria and Brigitte o.O

Pack it up, we done here.

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Why did you come to this post just to troll?

She’s fine where she is.
Mercy does take skill, arguably more skill then most other supports to perform at peak performance (NOT POCKETING). She just doesn’t require mechanical skill.

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