How can I rise in rank if my team doesn't want to collaborate?

Plat 2800-2900 Xbox player
I try to rank up doing my best every season and I can’t do that if my team doesn’t try, and they are not punished for itI try to rank up doing my best every season and I can’t do that if my team doesn’t try, and they are not punished for it I try to rank up doing my best every season and I can’t do that if my team doesn’t try, and they are not punished for it.
I can’t play in a group because I’m not sure if my connection will help me not lagging.
Before you ask:
There’s nothing wrong with my gameplay
Don’t tell me that I deserve my rank as I see people far above me who play very badly
And this is not my original account, so if you want to see her status, it doesn’t help.

You will never climb in rank.


I just don’t even bother because I hate losing a match because of someone else’s bad performance. I’m sure I play poorly many times when my team pays for it. I think it shouldn’t have to be that way. Win/Lose whatever… pure performance-based SR… Take the power out of thrower’s hands. Now people have only themselves to blame.

the enemy teams have the same problems, you just need to play your role better than them

don’t overextend to make hero plays happen, don’t try to take over multiple roles with a role that’s not made for that.

if you play main support, be the better main support, keep your team better alive than the enemy main support and you’ll win

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Not always.

Sometimes your team has a leaver and the enemy team doesn’t.

Sometimes the enemy team has a smurf that’s carrying and your team doesn’t.

Sometimes your team has a thrower and the enemy team doesn’t.

Sometimes your team has 2 fresh level 25s as Damage and the enemy team doesn’t.

Sometimes the enemy team are all communicating/strategising in team chat and your team isn’t.

yes and all that can happen to enemy teams too. you don’t just play one game do you?

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Rarely seems to happen to my team when I play, hence why I’ve dropped into Silver as tank for the first time since the start of Competitive.

well, bad luck then.

also some confirmation bias, we tend to remember the bad things happening to us way more frequently

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Fixed that line for you, your welcome. You can go from there.


Lol nice one :joy: that should really help.

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Well i think that if you don’t admid own mistakes in Plat, or how you can improve your own game play, you will never glimb up.

If you not climbing then yes there is something wrong with your gameplay you will not rank up without saying oh I make this mistake or that mistake and if I did this we would win

I myself am stuck in the 2900s too. The game varies wildly but tbh if you play more games, the good games will eventually equal or outweigh the bad ones. Join team chat. Make callouts and try to suggest strats. If you guys get rolled on a round try to keep team morale up. I’ve been very slowly but surely climbing by simply joining team chat and making good callouts. I have turned potential losses into draws and gotten really close wins when it could’ve been a close loss or a draw. After 2800 and this has been said by my gm friend, it becomes harder to solo carry. Coordinate with your team and try to develop strats that work around them. My other tank only plays dva? Then let’s try dive. If it’s on defense I’ll play sheild and ask them to combo with shatter and call out driveable targets. Good luck my friend. Hopefully we both make it out of plat