How can anyone play Sombra?

Sometimes the positions that give you that information would involves running into the line of fire where you can risk exposing yourself, whereas now you can get a lot of good angles without risk.

But if you’re worried about line of fire then you already have a good idea of whats happening there, no one would waste there time emoting to get a ‘better’ look.

The only reason I want this change is so I can watch myself Dance while in Stealth because the cloak looks cool. :sweat_smile:

Knowing what is happening is far more important than knowing something is happening. Also as an example, you’d be able look underneath things by emoting on high ground without committing to jumping down to look.

She has the same radius of spread as Tracer

I agree she should be buffed, I just think it can be done in other ways. Even if damage is what you are targeting you could lower her reload speed or give her an automatic reload on translocator because her reload is really long. Her spread is just dangerous to touch. I wouldn’t mind that buff but so many people would be complaining.

You can easily kill any 200hp hero with less than 1 clip if you know what you’re doing. Stop playing her like S76 and shoot people from far away.

I’m with the few people who are talking about bug and QoL changes. Get those taken care of (c’mon sugar skull on hacked targets) and Sombra would be solid enough to not need to be touched.

Tightening her spread further would be…eh, probably not a good idea

this is all i can think of


No, Sombra has 2.7 degrees maximum spread and Tracer has 3.6.
Also Sombra’s falloff starts at 15 meters vs 11 for Tracer. Both have same sustained DPS, but Tracer is more bursty with more downtime.

Playing both heroes extensively, personally I prefer Sombra’s weapon to that of Tracer. Better at medium range and gives more room for error, still deadly at close range as you can afford more headshots with less spread.

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invis get close hack drop a clip into the back of their head.
if that doesn’t work shoot invis tele above drop a clip into them

also her ult is amazing for combos like DVA bomb and easy to build even going more aggro since health pack play isnt as good for much now

I’m glad you caught me on this. It’s embarrassing because I’ve already made a post on this before lol

Feels bad man

I know when I can finish someone far far away and when I can’t, just takes practice to get used to it