How are people still mystified by placements?

Care to put that up to scrutiny? What’s your Battletag? Mine is MsSysbit#1411 I’d just look at your stats on Overbuff quickly.

I don’t even know how it’s possible. On a fresh account I walked around the edge of the map and did 0 damage and had 0 elims out of all 10 placements, 1 win 9 losses, placed 1550. Must have had a smurf on the team hard carrying for that 1 win because we won 5 vs 6.

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Again, I’m not saying “oh, I should be a higher rank”. I’m saying if these were normal games I would have gained more than 60 SR from 7 wins and 3 losses. I typically get about 30 SR per win. But to be conservative, if it was 25 it would still be a gain of 100, not 60.

I was at about 2300 2 weeks before the end of the season, then stupidly played the last week and dropped to about 2150. Did the placements and got 60 SR from that low.

Placements are a frustrating experience. You either gain very little from the last season low, or you lose a ton if you bomb the placements. I would much rather start from where I left off and play normal games.

TBH a lot of people initially place either a bit too high or too low because the MMR tends to default to gold. Then you either plummet or rank up fast as you play more seasons…