How about a ban system?

Let each team ban 2 heroes before the match starts.


RIP Brig mains.


RIP Doomfist mains


RIP sombra in total mayhem

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Would actually make watching Contenders a lot more interesting, tbh. Though pros being pros they’d probably just ban the same ones over and over and over again…

Hypothetical bans: ban Brigitte to disable a GOATs-only team, ban Monkey to encourage a Hamster play and then instalock Sombra, routinely ban 1-tricks’ heroes to force 1-tricking to be a thing of the past and require everyone to play at least 2 heroes…

I think 2 heroes each is too much. A quick ban-vote for 1 hero on each side prior/during hero select might work now that we’re at 28.

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Denying people content or not letting them play heroes they like is a bad idea, and I do not think Blizzard will ever do this.


The roster isn’t large enough for 2 bans. It’s good for 1 ban for each team, but it will only exist in competitive play.

RIP Mercy. Nvm, she’s already dead. :sob:

~ Signed
Secretary of the Mercy Ice Cream Movement :ice_cream::chocolate_bar:


R.I.P. Off Meta Mains


A ban system is not likely to happen in Overwatch anytime soon. Game Director Jeff Kaplan commented on this a while back:

Source: Overwatch Forums


It’s a system that sadly gives more strength to those who play more of the game and can play more classes, it gives that an advantage in that case for competitive like environments.

If they had twice as many heroes, I could see it. But, as it stands you would just never see Brig, or Hanzo/Widow.

It a good idea and why almost every single hero based game use it.

The reality is balance is hard and you always going to have 2 or 3 OP heroes people hate. That is why you let the players ban them.

But Blizzard is too care bare to do it

Yeah no, lets not.
The playerbase can barely be trusted with a “report for gameplay sabotage button”, do you really want to give the people who abuse that button the ability to prevent you from playing certain heroes?

I could understand if the roster was triple the size it was now but now? With only 28 heroes and barely half of them considered viable picks? Nuh uh, bad idea, plus there’s no point when the meta is so linear at most competitive levels.


Get a six stack

Player 1 ban - Mercy & Zen
Player 2 ban - Ana & Moira
Player 3 ban - Lucio & Zen
Player 4 ban - Widow & Hanzo
Player 5 ban - Genji & Tracer
Player 6 ban - Sombra & Brigitte

I love this idea

Seeing how this game is they need to find how to let the hero be banned for the whole entire match than rounds. Rounds shouldn’t even be their focus. The hero is banned for the whole entire match just like they do with new and rework heroes.

That’s kind of a misquote. That is a discussion about 3v3s.

I think for QP/Comp the devs already have shown a willingness to not let players play certain heroes by virtue of adopting 1-Hero-Limit. I don’t think 1 ban/side is much different… it’s just like having an extra teammate kinda.

28 heroes minus 2 bans = 26 heroes = launch + 5 heroes. Even 2 bans per side still makes launch + 3 hero count.

I feel like in the pro scene this could be an interesting feature to add but on the ladder I think that this wouldn’t be the best idea until we have at least 30 heroes

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel::ice_cream:

If you ban a the number 1 pick. Number 2 is now viable because number 1 is not longer an option. The ban would have to be for both teams

That is how it works

Ban all healers