Houston Outlaws vs. Vancouver Titans - Stage 3 Quarterfinals - FINAL

Bumper “Imma just ult and go deep. Hold the point for me, guys.”

After Map 1


WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueESPN3

This is going to be a quick one for Titans. Curious if Shock can pull off the upset and be in the finals this stage.

Wow, 400+ hours on Sombra and no idea EMP could get you across the well after the 20% movement reduction

Learned something new.

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believe the shock have been beating dynasty all year so far.

SeoMinsoo looks so tired and underslept, the poor guy…

remember before this match when sideshow said “why do people run wrecking ball against sombra?”

well it seems you were wrong wynoming i got 2x tokens?? or it bugged?

If you mean double tokens, I think they are now releasing double x3 token drops. Checking the Twitter.

Only Titans would use an EMP down 2…

And fork me the cart is moving.

what twitter?

before the match started i had 186 now i have 192 from one notification only

@OverwatchLeague, but they have no tweets stating it. I am investigating.

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pretty funny that they make ads for intel when people already know amd is better for the money you spend

Could someone explain the map pool to me?

Who picked Eicheinwalde? The previous losing team?

yes apparently…

Houston, the DPS team, picked Eichenwald, the map you basically have to play Goats on at the end.

So… Were they going for the surprise play?!

After Map 2


WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueESPN3

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Maybe they were expecting the Clockwork Vendetta comp to hold for longer?

Alright, I can’t find news indicating double tokens, I have reset my notifications on Twitch so when I get the next drop I will be able to say for sure.