Houston Outlaws v Dallas Fuel - THE BATTLE FOR TEXAS

Why doesn’t Jake’s jersey have his name on it? I know it’s been a while since he played but

Ah. Hi, neighbour! :+1:

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Yikes, this seems rough already lol.

I blinked and Rawkus was dead


ya, falstart on Outlaws part… for now

Oof, that was rough.

Crowd is lit!!!

Somebody grab the butter, because Houston’s Toast

Dallas crushed Houston on the first round but Houston is coming back. Barrage coming soon…

Jake is lit today !!

My favorite fan so far…

Once a gamer always a gamer?


That guy is legit. Also looks happy to be there, clanging his cane in tune with the chants!

Wait, is that just something in his hand and not a cane? Hard to tell from the lighting D:

The roaring crowd makes the match look more entertaining, than it actualy is, fascinating. :grin:

Houston: Is bad at goats
Also Houston: Well maybe we aren’t THAT bad
Gets rolled

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First blood Dallas…

They did manage to negate the deadeye, but in the end it wasn’t enough. :expressionless:

…that is a saxaphone

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Yes. Yes it is.

I like it.

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yea, and that gig got cringy preety fast XD

at least theres no DJKhaled :smiley:

At this point I’m no longer surprised by the strange things fans bring to the OWL matches.

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