Hot Take: Poor Balance Isn't The Problem

I remember playing sigma with 2.5s cooldown on his barrier and 200 ping. It actually felt disgusting.

It was a stupid nerf to give him in the first place. He wasn’t even that bad when he was meta. And if they had to nerf him, why not nerf another part of his kit? Not make him clunky as hell :roll_eyes:


Balancing around only a very selected amount of players is a very bad idea. Its like building a Jenga tower blindfolded. You dont know what happens below when you build upward. What fun in for them could be unfun for everyone else and vica versa.

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I agree. They’ve been taking the fun out of almost every single hero by increasing the timings/CDs. For what purpose? Surely their intent couldn’t be to make the game less fun?

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Dva’s fine, quit playing her like a fat genji.

Ball is fine, quit play him like a fat tracer.

Hog is fine, stop playing him like a fatter Zarya.

Well, I have 4 ideas for that question.

  1. Keep things unbalanced means different metas every time means more interest in the game since it always changes and not just 1 meta overall. That way some less playable heroes look like new heroes when you finally see them as meta.
  2. They simply don’t know how to balance a game like that… Most devs of this game came from a different genera of game so they simply aren’t aware of how to balance the game well. and they simply try to fix heroes like they understand
  3. The devs trying to copy other fps and fail. They aren’t sure about the direction of the game themselves and so they try to do something general for each hero making sure everyone is happy. But their worst mistake is looking at this game like high rank balancing would be good for everyone like in order fps. Because unlike other fps games, in this game skill isn’t the only factor which makes things much much more problematic.
  4. The league gives the more money so they balance for the league.

Idk if any of them is true but these are my guesses at least :sweat_smile:


One thing should be more considered than others : Controllability IMO.

If something is op, Blizz should consider the numerical changes, not the ability. For example, many people complain about mobility, but the actual problem is their burst damage combined with the mobility. If so, Blizz should consider to nerf their damage, not their mobility. Also, Blizz made too many CCs, which interfere others’ control. Two or even three consecutive CCs are no more rare now. Even one hero can do that now. What a game it is. Blizz should reconsider their definition of fun.

It’s just how Blizzard tries to spread misery equally.

How it usually happens: before changes hero is frustrating for enemy team, but great for teammates and player themselves. After changes hero is less frustrating for enemy team, but now is frustrating for teammates and player themselves, who now got some stupid limits on them.

Take original Brig, for instance. Nightmare for enemy flankers, but great ally for team, with ult, that helps teammates to survive.

Now? Some nuisance for enemy flankers, now requires teammates to help her to work. Not fun for either teammates or Brig player. Balanced, but hardly anyone is happy about it.

They don’t have it, they rely on streamers and pros to tell them. And often it ends up shifting hero away from their unique attributes.


I dont think increasing hack duration would make sombra feel better to play but it’d definitely make everyone more miserable lol. There are other things which can be done for sombra. 5s is already very long anyways.

I don’t think increasing the duration would make her any more or less fun to play. I’d prefer they decreased it in favor of increasing her gun damage so she doesn’t feel like a hack/emp bot.

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Praying that enemy won’t turn around, while you hack them, is miserable enough.

I agree; so many people focus on making the enemy hero fun to play against, they forget that the hero also has to be fun to play as. That’s what made the April Fools’ experimental such a blast; when the hero you’re playing as is so enjoyable and grossly overpowered, you could easily forget the ones you’re going against were also grossly overpowered.

The question is :

Is it a poor gameplay experience for those who think balance is good?

Personally, I’m not having a poor gameplay experience because I think balance is good, I can play just about anyone I want which has not always been the case. Even if certain heroes were stronger (Dvas defense matrix for example) I would have less fun because it would be imbalanced. Sure, if I played Dva it would be fun, but playing into Dva wouldn’t be fun

Are you implying that a damage creep isn’t always terrible and even might be healthy for the game?

This isn’t a hot take as much as common sense. OW was never meant to be a highly competitive game, yet alone an e-sport. One of the most common complaints about OWL is that its pretty boring to watch if you’re not a hardcore OW fan (and even a number of those players still don’t watch OWL). It doesn’t help Blizzard’s case that they have to artificially inflate the OWL view count as much as possible by incentivizing players to leave the stream open on a laptop while not actually watching it. Even the twitch views for OW are much lower than its competition.

So yes, Blizzard basically sucked all the fun out of the game in order to try fueling something that would never work in the long run. When OW first came out I had dozens of friends who played, and now literally none of them touch the game any more. And they all tell me its because of various things like their favorite hero being gutted or suddenly being forced to re-learn their hero after a major change was made to them. The general playerbase was run off of the game to try making the game more balanced for GM/T500, which wound up doing nothing to save the game’s “watchability”. And its looking like its all for nothing too, considering OWL just lost basically all of its notable sponsors and is likely on its deathbed now.


The problem with Brig is that her entire kit makes her feel like she should be on the frontlines but instead her optimal playstyle is spamming her shift/e in the backlines. That’s not really fun or engaging gameplay. I don’t really know the solution without making her incredibly overpowered or reworking her entire kit. Due to that Brig might be one of the few instances of actual bad design.

This is all true. Sadly it looks like they’re currently going in the same direction for OW2. With the massive rebalancing/reworks to all the roster I expect the casual players to bleed themselves dry. We already see people complaining about removing things like Mei’s freeze. When all is said and done I expect OW2 to be so much more bland then launch or even current OW is. PVE might be the saving grace for casuals but I feel like most horde mode games hardly make it past the 40 hour mark for me. There are some outliers like Payday 2 though; so hopefully they can hit that.

This is absolutely what I tried to tell people

Id rather not see hammond, nerfing him did make it more fun for me.

You can just not play them if they are not fun, we dont have a choice on who we play against

And what happens, when all of heroes you found fun are not fun anymore due to being changed?

Like it happened to me - I enjoyed Mercy, Symmetra and Torbjorn. All of them were changed away from my preferred playstyle, and that’s it, I got no other heroes with similar playstyle to choose from.

Enemy has no obligation to be fun to deal with. One is free to use most “unfair” tactics and strategies, just like you do.


People use the Term Balance in a rather loose way, as a lot of these changes people complain about usually do to limiting certain playstyles of characters that were “Unfun” on the receiving end.

The Doom fist Uppercut nerf which not only increased the time it took to begin firing his primary fire, it also returned control to receiving player earlier.

Was done to limit dooms ability to hop into any given fight immediately get a pick, and fly out.

Like with the slam, uppercut, primary fire wombo combo. Doom could get burst kills in a very similar fashion to the McCree’s flash bang secondary fire combo.

the difference being however doom is considerably more mobile and survivable then McCree. He could not only get the kill at just about any point in the fight and get back to his team with.

Were as McCree would need his team put him in a state were he could be in range of a flash bang kill, that in turn wouldn’t immediately get punished for over extending.

And inturn forced the opposing players to play heroes with hard CC abilities, then save such abilities to specifically counteract such doom attempts. And in turn forcing the enemy into playing characters they may not like, on top of requiring to limit their use of their tools specifically to avoid encounters with the doom.

Ya he may no feel worse to play now, but in turn making a better game experience for the other players.