Hot take: mercy is balanced

I agree. Ana and the other supports should have a “help me” voice line when they’re being attacked — not just Mercy.

They do

I can’t distinctly remember what Ana’s line is but I distinctly remember Lucio, Moira, and Zen’s

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Yes cuz the bunker and double sniper meta we’re in is all about 3 healers

were they?

I thought bunker just used baptiste and Mercy

and I don’t know who was ever used in double sniper besides the obvious 3

I was being sarcastic. Idk why people think that goats is still relevant on ladder and if they think the opposite which is 4 dps comp that’s exactly supposed to be her niche. If anything 222 would get rid of the one comp she is suited for better than other healers

We’ve been in bunker double sniper for over a month. Still half of Anas pickrate

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is this a take at all? its mercy crowd…shell never be “balanced” for them unless shes dominant


That’s not true but you folks are too damn stubborn to accept it. So no one even tries to explain our problems to you.

Mercy is in a very good spot and really shouldn’t get any buffs. She is in a spot that if the meta shifts in her favor, everyone on these forums are going to be calling for her nerfs again lol. Which is perfect, imo. That is the same spot as rein or winston.

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i do think shes balance. so she cant heal up tanks quickly, thats fine. theres ana, moira and bap for that.

what i dont like is how her ult seems to clash with her base kit. its literally the same thing, but it doesnt flow well.

i still play her because i enjoy her base kit, and i do think shes a really fun hero but when i ult its just meh

I don’t think heroes bordering between roles are very balanced

Hotter take: this isn’t why people who are upset with Mercy right now are upset with Mercy


What the heck, have people started playing mercy as a tank or something? This I want to see! I didn’t think it could be possible anyone could see her as anything other than a support.


An even hotter take: Blizzard knows not every player will like every character, so they have provided over 2 dozen other characters to choose from


That’s really not a hot take at all, but okay lol. Pretty sure they’ve been very explicit about that since the get-go

In my opinion, it is

I mean, it’s well established that you opinion is generally framed in a highly contrarian light toward people who have opposing opinions on Mercy, so… big surprise? Totally never saw that coming.

I frankly don’t care what your opinion is. I’ve seen your drivel all over the forums

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My opinion centers around enjoying Mercy in her current state. It isnt contrarian, though it runs contrary to the opinion of some others

Contrary opinion <> contrarian

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Off healer and main healer is what I mean but okay. Project instead of ask for clarification

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I apologize, you’re absolutely right. It’s just that, what you are describing is what i call flexibility to work in multiple comps, which frankly the idea of someone complaining about a hero being flexible is more baffling to me than someone using a support as a tank. But you’re right, i assumed, and you know what happens when you do that :blush: