Hot take i haven't seen anyone make yet

The most enjoyable meta this game has ever seen was Hog Zarya.
And we’ll probably never reach that state of perfection again.
Except for the rectangle men and Bastion, pretty much all heroes were viable. And people actually wanted to queue tank for a change.
It was really fast paced. Nobody except for maybe widow was oppressive, and there was a lot of individual player impact. In general, the more damage mitigation and sustain there is in the meta, the less individual player impact there is. And with more sustain comes more room for error. You can’t brute force through 2k worth of barriers and endless waves of healing on your own. But when there’s no rectangles in your way, you can actually directly shoot at the squishies that can feasibly die if you shoot them on your own.


Who knew that farming the most free tanks was hella fun for dps?

I was actually playing more tanks than dps during Hog Zarya.

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Me too. I like not having tons of barriers shoved in my face regardless of the role I pick.

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Hog Zarya is the worst patch in OW history for me. If I wanted to play Valorant I would have downloaded that, it’s literally free.


Just play a card game if you like rectangles that much :sweat:

It was a decent patch all things considered, but more importantly, it once again proved that the best solution to barrier spam was to make offtanks better at shieldbreak.

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Hey yo… “enjoyable” is exceedingly subjective:


It’s not a hot take to say that your particular favorite meta was the best one.

Regardless if you like that comp or not, its an objective fact that this conp was one of the slowest we ever had

It was a full spam comp, you just stalled tine to get picks. You werent even able to play fast, because you had bo maintank so frickn BOB got played as Maintank

The whole goal of this comp was just stalling time to get picks

Hog didnt got better at shieldbreak, he got qorse because of the fire speed nerf

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I do play gwent from time to time, but I also like Overwatch as is.

So everyone played dps or glorified dps?
Didn’t really like this.

Hog Zarya mostly just showed how problematic snipers, damage boosted snipers, bionade, Ult charge feeding, and earthshatter are, when there isn’t a constant blue rectangle intercepting most of that.

It also is stuff like that, that makes me very skeptical about the idea that devs could implement an 800hp Rein properly.

Which makes me fall back on the idea that Orisa and Sigma should just be brought up to Rein tier. And then remove the close range AntiDive changes options that DoubleBarrier would have.

OW2, here we go, Rein 800 barrier.
Do you think role passives are gonna be enough to help with that?

Nope. Not even close.

You’d need something more in line with all heroes being able to Rez, and you have a crawl mechanic for downed players.

Which is radical enough of a change, that I don’t see devs committing to it.

OW2 PVP, Low Barrier problems

And even then, that might not be enough.

I think they should also add a less damage multiplier for Tanks’ crit-box for that to work. It’s already bigger than the squishes’, so maybe it could be lower than 2x the damage, because look at Ball as example, hidden crit-box for a tank with no barrier is very good, now look for Orisa that improved with that buff (compensating the poor barrier).

IMHO they should look at head-shot resistance as a passive for Tanks too.