Hot take buff genji

Genji has always been a great counter to hitscan.
I believe the ammo nerf wasn’t needed.

Hitscan feels kinda unchecked right now

Give him back his original ammo at least.


take away deflect cancel and buff away.


Nah, Genji mains believe he is horrible against hitscan. It would be a pointless buff that is not taken advantage of whatsoever. Just saiyan.


I am going to skip the whole Genji power conversation, how good/bad he is vs hit scan, etc. and let’s just talk about the principle here.

Buffing any hero to counter other heroes is always a bad design, for a number of reason.

First, what that does is just make that hero mandatory as a response.

Second, and the bigger issue, is that it is not a vacuum. So, looking at Genji, buffing him doesn’t just impact hit scan. Unless of course you want to also nerf him against everything else. In the case of Genji it would be something like making deflect only work against hit scan. Which I suspect is not something you want.

Third, it ultimately doesn’t really even address the issue. Even if you made Genji better vs hit scan it wouldn’t change that they are more effective than the other projectile heroes. Every problem they cause would still be there. You just add more problems to the mix.

The solution to OP hero or heroes is not buff someone to counter. It is nerf the problem hero(s).


I was suggesting giving him back his old ammo amount.

No other buffs. 24 ammo is pretty low 30 seems more appropriate.

That’s like 6 shots lol

Even bettwr take: Genji is frigging fine and still in to many of my matches wich ruins my fun.

Im only fine with genji buffs if his natural counter aka beams gets mega buffed because he’s toxic as frig when you buff him.

Or let us disable certain heroes from our experience…

As someone who’s learning him right now…. Please give him more ammo


Make deflect be 90° instead of like 220°, not be able to deflect Rein hammer nor explosives, have a 12 second cooldown, have dash be a 10 second cooldown and not reset on assists THEN we have a deal.

I play mostly Ana Kiriko and zen…. Genji is annoying but flankers are a necessary evil imo.

A nerf that destroys ammo in a clip is really heavy. Reloading mid fight is awful.

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After they buff Brig & Mei, sure. He can have a small buff. Revert the shuriken damage nerf from a couple months ago.

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I’d just buff him because the last nerf didn’t even do much of anything below Masters, and the ranged oneshot heroes are too strong above Masters.

And because the devs will need the “social credit points” when they start freaking out flanker players when they start buffing Supports.

Give him back both the damage and ammo.

So high ELO is a better meta, and there’s less malding about Support buffs

How about we fix the Support problems first before buffing Genji?


Ah yes a genji thread

Time to read the room tempature takes

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he suska against beam heroes, again what?

you will get use to it just recommended not over extending and fall back to reload

no that would make it so bad.

again just making him the worst dps in the game

i see you just want him in the dirt imagine if reaper lost reload on wraith and life steal

support the strongest its ever been support have a fair fight with ever dps out side 3

You are missing the point.

Look, I was avoiding discussing how powerful Genji is. That is a whole different discussion. Quite frankly he is stronger than the vast majority of the dps roster. The buff you are asking for wouldn’t measurably change his power because NONE of the nerfs (ammo included) measurably changed his power.

But, I was responding to the reason you put forth. The basic principle of why you said you wanted him buffed is flawed.

You put forth the notion of ‘buff him because he is good against hit scan.’ That is a false notion. You never want to buff a hero to counter another. It is ALWAYS a problem.

Buffing a hero doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You buff a hero because they are good against a problem hero and all you really get is two problem heroes. If you want a good example of this that just happened: Orisa. Blizzard buffed her to contend with Hog because they had a bug that prevented them from changing Hog. It didn’t actually solve the Hog issue. He was still running rampant. He was still ruining games. He is still a problem. But Orisa is now also a problem. Because the buffs she got didn’t just make her better against Hog. It made her better against everyone. It let her straight up shut down other heroes. Orisa/Hog situation is the most recent case of seeing how buffing a counter just creates more issue. But it is not the first time we have seen it. Every time it has been tried it just causes more issues. Buffing ‘counters’ is never a good option. Nerfing the problem hero(s) is the best answer.

Any buffs to Genji wont just effect hit scan. They will effect EVERY other hero he fights.

Genji has an extremely low TTK. He has massive mobility. You shouldn’t be hanging out fighting. Most good Genji’s never even used their full clip. They dove killed and repositioned for the next attack, reloading during that reposition. The loss of two attacks doesn’t really make a notable difference.

You know that “nerf” didn’t actually change anything for him, right?

It didn’t change his break points. Number of attacks pre-nerf to open dash kill is EXACTLY the same as post nerf.

You contend he is still to strong below masters, so he needs a buff…what? But it doesn’t really matter because it didn’t do anything masters or above either. The nerfs didn’t change anything. Practically no situation would post nerf Genji fail a kill that pre nerf Genji would have gotten.

Really the only thing lowered his pick at all was Tracer being buffed so she is used sometimes instead. Genji didn’t lose any measurable power in the “nerfs.”

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It’s all about the 3xHeadShot+Melee combo at high ELO.

Which basically nobody below Masters was landing consistently and on purpose.

Tbh I always thought the ammo nerf was unnecessary.

Damage wise, I think the 29 were a bit much, tho I would he open for 28 per shuriken

But Genji is still, nowhere near as unplayable as people pretend he is.

Sombra literally exists, she is by FAR the worst dps rn

More like take away double jump. He won’t be considered OP anymore in low ranks. Which will allow them to buff him as much as they want. Just give his double jump ability when he is ult’ing.

Personally I would just put a (VERY SHORT) cooldown on it.

It would make all of the difference in low ranks, and he doesn’t really spam double him in higher ranks.

But yeah, it would open him up for large buffs later.

So you want to kill Genji? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: