Hoping for more Lore updates next year

Just finished re-reading and re-watching all of the overwatch lore and i have to admit I am hoping there will be more lore updates next year (even if its just tiny bits). Just really curious as to whats going to happen next. Do you think there will be more frequent lore updates next year?

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My honest opinion is no, there wasn’t even a halloween terror comic this year.

If they decide to start producing more lore at a faster rate then great but if not then i’ll read a actual book for story or lore instead of waiting for 3 pieces of lore a year.

Yeah, I would probs just start reading something else. But i feel 2019 is gonna be Overwatch year. I have faith.


The minimum we should get is:

  • 2 full length Shorts (Gamescom and Blizzcon)
  • 1 full length comic (Archives)
  • 1 Archives event (Already confirmed to exist)
  • 3 heroes
  • 3 maps
  • 3 Origin Shorts (For each hero)

This is the bare minimum of what to expect. We also periodically get more maps, voice interactions, and the occasional surprise.