Honestly i hate competitive in this game

Like why does it use you QP(MMR) stats to determine you rank…

QP ins’t even a serious mode yet you need to play serious in that mode to even get a good MMR rate…


QP SR and Competitive MMR are in no way Correlated.

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QP and Comp have separate MMR values. Arcade modes also have separate values as well. They may all start at the equivalent of Gold but they don’t stay that way.


Then tell me how i got 2 ranks higher on an alt account then on my main account…

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Because competitive Overwatch is a grind not a sprint.

On a fresh account with undeveloped MMR in competitive, you’re able to “temporarily” overwrite your MMR history.

As you play more and more games, your SR and your MMR will eventually correlate.

Your main account would need to be climbed to your alt accounts rank.

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Even if i try my main never get close to the rank of my alt

Because even if i get alot of solo kills/finals bow gold dmg and elimination this game still gives me a lose.

Or even if i managed to win this game gives me like what 1-4 SR points?..

I mean, I’m assuming this is your alt account (or one of them). Profile is locked so I have no insight to your gameplay.

Well it’s not always about the most kills. More often than not, it’s about the correct kills.

The ugly truth :frowning:

If you’re only receiving that low of SR per win and very large SR losses for a loss, it’s performance based :sweat:

Edit: Plenty of people on this forum who are always willing to give a solid VOD review.

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Then i wonder what performance this game wants you to be that even if i get alot of final blows/solo kills gold elimination and damage to give me that low SR per win.

What role do you play? Let’s start there.

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Support and dps i play mostly soldier when i dps.

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What’s your elims/life?

On your main

On your alt

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Everyone does it’s by far the worst mode in this game. Play Quickplay/Arcade alot more fun.


competitive is just a mode to get gold guns

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