Holds shield, gets earthshattered anyway

I made a post about this before and it’s still going on. I’m holding shield as rein and i get shattered through my shield. It’s happened too many times to just be a simple connection issue.

It seems to happen when your’e on the payload, when you turn shield at the last moment to block, when your’e on stairs and when you deploy shield at the last moment.

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don’t jump with shield mate

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I didn’t, i was on the ground

Same thing happened here. I wasn’t jumping and my team and I still got stunned from Shatter.

Rein is bugged, he still needs a few bug fixes with his shield, Ult, and charge.

CHarge is the one that bugs me the most though. here is a video of it (Not my video but a streamers) - YouTube

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Have you posted this in the PTR feedback, yet? It’s been known among the players for the past week or so, but I have no idea whether they devs know, yet.

Fair enough. I guess we can chalk this up to “the devs don’t care”

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How long have Reinhardt been bugged now? 2 years or so? Yeah, we can safely say that the amounts of care the developers have towards the issue, is about 0.