Hog Shouldn't have 235 Damage Combo, Barrage Should Have Tighter Spread

If you want Barrage to be viable, all you have to do is tighten the spread enough to allow for effective use from a slightly safer distance.

Also, we currently have a Hog 1.0 in the EXP card with a million times better survivability… Can we not…?


Why not, currently hog is trash tier, why not give him some buffs?


Because he’s not Reinhardt zarya :slight_smile:


We can do that without him guaranteeing a kill on most squishies… There’s much better ways to buff a hero other than giving him Hook 1.0 with Breather 2.0…


To be fair it’s not like rein and zarya get buffs. They just don’t nerf them and keeping moving heroes around this combo

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It’s still a funny meme

Meanwhile, in the dps category

Cross map 300 damage 1 shot
Cross map 250 damage 1 shot
I think you get the idea, hog having 235 damage isn’t game breaking


another complaint about hook, you do realise that ability has about 40 different ways to counter it? please zarya and orisa combined have 4 or 5 different ways to counter it so try learning one of those :stuck_out_tongue:


Hog as a tank is all about focing enemies to leave their targets and focus him, he’s a tank not a dps.
Hog’s protection should be more on the hook than on the dps.
He’s bad because hook alone is not enough and he needs a damage resistance passive, but more damage just makes him more of a dps, not a tank…

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As a support main

I hate getting clapped across the map by Widow/Hanzo

But with the new patch, there will be no surviving flank hogs as they hook me through time and space until my newly moved expiration date.

One shots aren’t really that fun on any angle, and having to deal with a hero that has 600 health meaning I can’t ever kill them on my own with a oneshot… is gonna be awful.

“oh just go Ana and bully him” is what I assume you want to say. Unfortunately, coordination isn’t a thing below GM, so my sleep/anti just delays the inevitable.

I would’ve preferred Hog actually feeling tanky and providing some synergy to another tank. Now he’s just succumbing into nothing but hook.


His damage is less than Hog 1.0s. they nerfed his damage by 33% when Doomfist launched. Now they’ve given him a little bit back to make him more consistent. If they truly gave him 1.0s damage then he would be deleting Zarya again etc.

A lot of his pellets still miss due to RNG this just helps alleviate some of that because RNG should never be a factor. He still feeds and hook is still easily baited.

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It’s not op but it’s also not fitting for a tank…

Tanks should not be focused on kills, more on space,protection and survive ability.
Hog should have the potential for 1 shot but it’s not what he supposed to be about. This change doesn’t help him really, just make him more of a dps.
He needs more focus on the protection.

My suggestion is usually just get a duo on dps/tank to bully him lol

I would have preferred that as well, but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the path devs want for hog :confused:

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easily baited and easily countered

This buff might not be enough because Orisa halt gets nerfed.

I’d honestly prefer to see his EXP card Scrap Gun stats and Hook cool-down. He would do much better with less damage, but a 6-second Hook, much more tank-like.

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Hogs combo is awful and inconsistent.

I like hog being deadly… nows there’s a reason to use him as a tank and less barriers.
That’s the point less shields for the dps.

He is literally the easiest thing to shoot and gain ult charge off of but you need to respect his space he commands when hook is off cooldown.
Tanks take space.

This is such a good thing.

There’s tons of one shots in the game anyways. I don’t mind all the dps one shots. I also don’t mind a tank creating space due to kill potential as opposed to the same shielding crap

Just keep your distance if he can one shot you and if your close don’t be surprised if it happens.

Just like if dooms one shot on 4sexind kills me I probably could have played better or widow or hanzo


Only one of them is actually good tho.

He deserves to kill his hooked targets.

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