Hog nerf still went through (EDIT)

Yep, and its sad…


Roadhog created space by being able to threaten the front line, getting rein to back off and dealing with Orisa’s high shield up time, now he’s an inconsistent dps, with a hook that does whatever it wants and no real purpose in the game seeing as most tanks can do his job better than he can, especially now.

Being able to melt shields was a vital part of his kit and you clearly don’t understand his playstyle.


How is it unintended when they just changed Mei with the justification that projectiles do not have fall-off? 2 years for them to notice that Roadhog was decent at busting barriers when that was one of his only uses? Nah.

IF it were true, that would be even more concerning if you ask me. So no idea why you would even shill for that alternative.


I work in the software industry. We have a million and one “user stories” that we churn through day in and day out. It could very well have just been some small detail that one of the engineers found that went “Oh hey, I know how to fix this, let’s just roll it out for the next release.”

They literally just fixed this.

Roadhog isn’t a tank. He’s a monstrously beefy DPS. There’s a reason solo Hog doesn’t work, where you can theoretically run Solo Winston or Reinhardt.

But, but… you dont know me?

Generally in software development there’s a large list of bugs to be fixed, and certain types of work that involves larger refactors or functional changes need to be done within certain scheduled milestones, followed by some period of bug fixing to stabilize the product. It is likely that one of their engineers finished his primary tasks for the milestone and was going through that bug list and found something simple to address.


and you think you know me? Lol thats hilarious

i do know youre a duck (QUACK) tho

I never claimed i did?

i wasn’t being literal here but you assumed I was. you couldnt even tell I wasnt being literal and replied with salt

Hold on one second. Im going to call a translator.

Who said it took them 2 years to notice? You seem woefully unaware of how software development works. Low priority bugs get thrown into a giant pool of issues that can only be addressed at certain times during the milestone after other higher priority work is complete and you have nothing else to work on. This one likely just finally got to the top of someone’s list and was probably an easy fix.

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Was it on the “known” bug list? It was pretty much news to everyone once they arbitrarily determined that it was unintended. Beyond that, they JUST had a bug fix that they addressed because it was a potential balance change and explained their reasoning. This DOES effect balance. So bug change or not, it merits explaining.

To be fair, I went through all of college and was still woefully unaware of how it worked. Getting a real job was like a smack in the face.

It’s akin to the idea of people complaining about companies adding new skins while there’s some network problem, because the game artists are wasting precious resources rather than fixing a DDOS attack.


Why was it on the list in the first place, it’s a ridiculous nonsensical fix that shouldn’t have happened and anyone who’s played Roadhog for more than a couple of hours knows this.

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Well let’s see, the options are:

  1. It was a known issue or at some point discovered and thrown into a list of bugs, and then addressed some point later. This is extremely common practice in software.
  2. There is a conspiracy and Blizzard decided they REALLY hate Roadhog and decided that just for laughs they would nerf him with a meaningless nerf that has little impact just to troll everyone.

Because they likely have specifications for how the hero works. When it’s discovered that “actual behavior” != “specced behavior” it is filed as a bug.

what cant tell what I mean? i never said i know you but you assumed I did? why are you taking

this so much this. it’s sad this is the state of gaming. great example 70 stars! go fight the boss

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No. I never stated that they hated Roadhog; however, yes, it is a meaningless nerf that has great impact as that was one of his only uses in the modern era. That behavior COULD be described as troll-esque. However, I am fairly certain it is just incompetence. The fact that they prioritized this over literally anything else is startling and definitely explains why development has been so jacked. I am sure you can empathize because you have experience in the field or whatever, I could care less. I am just using common sense and this defies all logic and reasoning.

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dont listen to the tracer one trick…