Hog is bonked out now

I played a couple minutes just to see how bad it was. i hooked a 75 hp zen and failed to kill him, he did not get healed. and to boot the hook throws him in hogs dead zone where his primary does literally 20 damage and too close for his right click to even detonate

to boot i have to take a break so all the boosted hog, soujorn and kuriko players can fall several divisions in skill rating back to where ever they dwell

When you hook, just move forward before you shoot. I’m still able to 1 shot people, it’s just not guarenteed now.

Hoggy hoggy baaaad :-1: :-1: :-1: lol just kiddin… or am I? Nah he is bad rn lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I think there is a bug or simply something the devs didn’t play-test or think through.

Anyway, I will attribute it to gross incompetence rather than design.

The thing is.

Hog’s M2 is garbage at close range and far range… but it is REALLY DEADLY at the sweet spot of 10-15m. He can 2 shot any squishy now, no hook required. :smiling_imp:

You can only do this with low latency to the server. Hog one shot was already unreliable at higher ping, with new nerfs, it is pretty much impossible to one shot.

Less instant but: RMB, hook, LMB.

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My buddy played hog last night with us on several maps and was still 1shotting people consistently. And if they were not dying, they were easy team kills. I’m used to playing Orisa + Hog in OW1 so I shoot through the hook anyways.

Mans got skill gapped so we should tell the devs to fix it for him.

I mean he is playable and more “fair” but he is way worse than he was. To get ANY hook value, your team has to be coordinated and paying attention now. Otherwise the target gets away super easy. With everyone still running Ana, he is not even 50% of the threat he was.

hog is legit dead… orisa dumped on hog before but he could still get 1 shots… hes the worst tank in the game right now… maybe tied with ball/doom

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Bit of L2P