Hitscan is still stupid

How dare u make me agree


You still dont seem to be getting it.
Also list the projectile heroes that suck. Echo and Hanzo are still some of the strongest heroes in OW1 currently. Hog is played almost every game of OW1.
The projectile heroes that are more generalist are fine. Again the issue is with niche heroes.


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We are obviously talking about OW2, and in OW1 the rest of the cast is garbage. We all know you only want the hitscan characters to be played.

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DVS, it’s because your argument literally just boils down to “This is how UT did it” while somehow ignoring the fact that UT also had significantly less open maps and everybody having equally insane mobility.


UT had both types of maps similar to OW. And the open maps were some of the most popular maps like Facing Worlds.
Besides that, I’ve said plenty of times that niche heroes need to be reworked to be less niche as have the devs said this.

Every time a thread like this gets made it’s always the same thing even though the people making them don’t admit it.
They want to one trick niche heroes everywhere and refuse to switch even in places that the heroes they are playing are weak at.
And they want blizzard to buff these niche heroes to be strong everywhere to compete with generalists when they were not designed to be that way.

Even the developers have said that when they design heroes they do not plan on people one tricking them. And they discourage people to 1 trick these type of heroes that are not meant to be played everywhere.

So tell me how can they buff these heroes that you think are weak to hitscans without making them do more damage as projectile heroes already do more damage than hitscan heroes.

Here is just one of the several times the developers have stated what I always say.


To top it off, they literally gave one of the hitscans a heat seeking mine. Toss it it in someone’s general direction and forget it… go on to your next target.

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Missing your shots is a risk, praying for random is not a proactivity. Consistency is a key, you choose what is your consistency, good aim, or good random. Hitscan is so easy on the forum, but why yall still not GM with it :thinking:


I do not believe double hitscan is meta. And it never really has been for any extended period of time.

I don’t @ dive.

Tho heart still because despite me generally preferring hitscan kits more, their balancing is just wack.

Almost as if it is the same game but with 1 tank less or something :thinking:

What are you talking about? Quick play is just as much a soldier/mccree/ tracer cesspool as comp these days.

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Who could have predicted that all but removing shielding and all new map releases being Havana 2.0 would lower hitscans skill floors even further and turn the game into point and click adventure :upside_down_face:

Oh. That’s right. Everyone could see it coming.

I’m still calling it: On release OW2 comp will have zero competitive integrity and be unplayable above diamond for half the dps roster.


We could ask the same thing about your many colorful comments about supports.


This is so true lol :joy:


My support peaked higher than my dps (4371 vs 4022), thanks to Bap and Ana at some point, but mostly Bap. I don’t mention it, because I do not consider this as achievement, support is much easier to play for me compared to dps role and hitscan in general. And what I ask is about dps role success from dps players who have no actual clue about aiming and its value in ow1 or ow2.


Some people are naturally good at things others find difficult.

Imagine if Einstein said that a college physics class is easy, even as most students struggle to get a C.

The difference in your role SR isn’t that much. That could easily be chalked up to pure randomness or luck.

never played soldier in the beginning of beta but yea i think the nerf to him was warranted. widowmaker feels pretty good on some maps, still it equals out a bit since the speed of the game. a bit harder to fast moving targets but hey im just an average widowmaker. mccree did go down a notch w/o his stun but i still think he is pretty good. i like sojourn but im not that great of a marksman to hit every 100 percent railgun shot. had some potgs with her

BUT personally for me ashe is still my strongest hero. im kind of surprised that FOR ME she seems like the strongest hitscan atm. i do so much damage with her in some games. so fun

Fortnite is also competitive shooter yet the only hitscan weapons there are assault rifles and smgs(close range) the rest is projectile(including sniper)

So that all competitive shooters have hitscan is complete bullcrap

competitive shooters don’t need hitscan to be competitive…

And i rather watch skillfull projectile games than hitscan matches.


This post was about OW1 tho Soldier and Widow are still stupid in OW2
