High Precision Mouse Settting

I feel like my mouse movement on overwatch is something wrong idk its like mouse lag.
but now I notice that, this game is limiting my mouses polling rate to 62.5hz.
And they have added a setting to free mouse polling rate on 2019.
Its High precision mouse input.
and i wonder why default setting is Off
Its shoud be On at default.
I know its been added after Overwatch1 is released,So if its enabled automatically, people will confused.
But this is overwatch2.
Now you have to change.
They should set to it On as default. or just delete the setting.
Who wants to play as 62.5hz polling rate?
How you guys think about?

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It doesn’t change your polling rate but rather the tickrate at which it communicates with the server. Your mouse is still communicating with the PC at its own polling rate. The option is off by default because it puts extra strain on the CPU.

Unfortunately there is something very wrong with mouse input in OW2, and this setting won’t fix it.:sweat:

OH. Its seems like I didnt read this note correctly New Feature – High Precision Mouse Input (Gameplay Option)

I changed that option and my mouse movement is fixed,So I get angry why its not default setting lol
I still dont undesrtand what actually is. Is it make complement my mousemovement between ticks?

but wait on ow2,not fixes any problem?
On my case its fixes something apparently
my mouse lag disappears

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Interesting. I’ve heard others say that it resolved their problems as well now that I think about it. It’s not supposed to make mouse input feel any differently, but with OW2 input being so borked, all bets are off! :joy:

A forum user recently discovered using mouse movement recorder software that OW2 does not use raw mouse input like the original. It’s a big problem for many, but it seems there’s no one solution for all. I’ve tried everything and can’t fix my input problem, but I’m glad others are having better luck with solutions.

Really. Anyways thanks for reply I missunderstanding this option

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