High PLATINUM is cracked

The difference between low and high Plat is night and day, 2900+ feels like a separate rank compared to the rest of Plat.

I know GM players probably look at high Plat/low Diamond as a meme, but as someone who was originally hard stuck in low Gold, 2.9k+ is just brutal. :laughing:
(I can’t imagine how difficult competitive must be past low Diamond)

I’ve seen some pretty mechanically skilled players here, I wonder why they’re Plat since “Plat is bad” :smirk:


diamond is actually easier than 2900

2900 is the hardest rank in the game


Some people dispute this but its actually the single largest skill delta in the game for a tier.


You have not seen low masters yet.


tbh high-low plat are easy ranks to get out of. I think diamond players are overrated

Agreed. Been “stuck” at 2.9k on several occasions. The day I get on a winningstreak and get past 3k the games are faster BUT sooo much easier. Peeling actually exists. Voice chat is actually being used for other stuff than screaming at eachother and calling out the worst player on the team. I still can’t believe people are this retarded that they scream at bad teammates. Who the f cares. GG go next. It’s just gonna lose you more games.


You must be new here
. :sweat_smile:

All the forum users ever do is “my teammates are holding me back.”


No I mean actually scream and cry in game. It’s like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum. You can blame teammates as much as you want on forums or whatever. I just don’t wanna hear that crap in my games.


Eh you’ll get over it. Every 500 Sr or so you start noticing strong changes in people’s fundamentals as a whole. Its not any one thing in particular but just all of it gets a little better. Makes the game feel faster, more punishing, etc.

I was in the same spot early on. I was in plat and I always got really nervous in diamond lobbies. Now I’m looking at plat and diamond lobbies asking why I did the silly things they do. :grin:


So I’ve been stuck at 2.8-2.9 trying to get into diamond and the game moves and operates faster then 2.5-2.7 at least just in my opinion

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Its not any one thing in particular but just all of it gets a little better. Makes the game feel faster, more punishing, etc.

Going for stagger kills is a big one. Understanding the line between overextending and making space/going for kills. If your team doesn’t understand that and 5 people stand on cart. It’s hard to go for those kills. I heard Freedo talking about something similar a while back. Going with your team is often better even if they take a bad path through the map.

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Wow someone who gets it - watching and dissecting a game for decisions vs being toxic IN game.

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If you are used to low plat then playing in high plat is hard. If you are used to high plat then playing in low plat is hard. Many of the reasons for this have already been discussed in this topic.

This is where I feel guard rails come in.

IF the game makers vision was the game to played in a certain way. (like Role balance). There has to be some in game mech.

Playing high plat vs low plat vs bronze vs gold
 the vision was not carried out correctly. It SHOULDNT be this way.

Imagine bronze the death timers kinda scale so everyone respawns at the same time
 they could do that. Imagine in Gold, the scaling gets a little loose, so its more up to the player. Stuff like that could have been done.

This is actual truth. Pretty much right below 3000 is actual elo hell. Legitimately difficult to deal with since the 3000 mark was where everyone used to decay.

I got in masters back in season 9 and had to drop the game for a while so my rank went right back to 3000. This, to me, was the biggest issue with ranked and the game as a whole at the time and I can’t help but think that even though that mechanic isn’t in place anymore, some people return to the game that didn’t play in 3000 and stomp even today.

Maybe that’s not the case anymore, either way, based on my own experience, 2900-3000 seriously is a god awful spot to be in ranked

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Decay never affected MMR, so for example anyone who decayed from 4000 SR to 3000 SR would still be put in GM games. They could get their SR back quickly by gaining abnormal amounts of SR per win while losing very little per loss.

The reason for this is because 500sr is a lot more significant the higher you climb. Its an upwards curve that gets steeper the higher you get. Thats why the rank population decreases.

Diamond is tough because its where PBSR is fully disabled.
Its where everyone starts to get consistent at aiming.
Its where people learn strategy, combos, teamwork, swapping, and meta knowledge.
Its where the game gets a LOT faster (pacing, engagements, regrouping, flickshots, 180’s, etc).

Plat IS good
 until they’re against higher ranked players. The higher you climb, the more you see the differences between you and the rank above you
 and below you.


In my climb from Low Gold to GM/Top 500, Plat took the longest to get through: https://imgur.com/a/mZpshGr

If I would rate the ranks it would be something like this:

Bronze - Plat: Mainly improving aim and positioning (Fundamentals)

Diamond to GM: Mastering your hero and improving teamwork and aim further.

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