High Ping , Server Routing Issue

My in-game latency is100ms-130ms, but before it was under 80m. i contacted my ISP for this issue and they said they need in-game server IP so that they can check the trace-route and change the route. I am living in India(Kolkata) and i play on American Region. right now i notice my server is changed from pse1 to gsg1.

You’re playing on the Oceania region. PSE1 no longer exists. The new server is GSG1. You can read more about it here:

Please chime in on that thread.

its been months and im really tired of playing in high ping since the server change. My ISP asking for in Game Server IP, and still no help from you guys. im losing my interest in this game and may be soon i will stop playing overwatch.

Hey Atom,

You can find the server IP in-game by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N to look at the Network Graph

At the top left of the graph it will display the server name in [] brackets and to the right of that it will show the server IP and port number. The port number comes after the colon.

So as an example:

12.345.67.89 would be the server IP
9999 would be the port number

but this ip changes every now and then they said they need a stable ip so that they can re-route to get better ping.

Your ISP likely needs to contact Blizzard directly, as they don’t publicly share their IP ranges. They can use this link: Contact Support - Blizzard Support

so alternately there is no solution for my problem which i am facing because of server location change, great… then lets see how long i can ho,d this game up like this…

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3 posts were split to a new topic: [B064r7] latency issues

Issue isn’t from client side, its happening since you guys switch the server. So please understand the problem first and then copy paste solution which everybody knows.