High Ping issue in overwatch

Hi I am wondering if there is any way other than the info already given that could help my ping I have 258 Download Speed 285 Upload speed and 2MS ping but in OW I get 50 ping Connecting to the Chicago Servers I live in massachusetts and was wondering if there was anything that I could do to help this. Its only overwatch that I Get this high ping.

What’s your average ping in other games as well?

Is this an issue that has recently appeared or has this always been the case with Overwatch for you?

It has always been a thing but as I am getting higher up in the game it is becoming more of a problem. In other games I average around 5-20Ping from games like fortnite to Csgo valorant and league of Legends

Okay from Chicago to Massachusetts a 20 - 25 ping on average while playing Overwatch should be a logical number to get.

Therefore I’m 100% sure this is an ISP problem with the route your connection follows from PC to the Overwatch servers. I would suggest you create a proper ticket on Battle.net, where you would most probably be asked to provide your WinMTR diagnostics

How would I create a ticket?

Your ping sounds perfectly normal connecting to Chicago. Using a speedtest is only useful if you think you’re not getting the speed you’re paying for with your ISP. It will use a server that is closest to you, so you can get the best/fastest connection (hence the 2ms ping). The other games you’re playing may also have a server in the New England area, providing a better ping.

Something else you may not be aware of with the Overwatch LAT stat is that it combines two stats they used previously, so it will inflate your ping by 10-20ms. Essentially, you’re getting a 30-40ms ping.

As for opening a ticket, I’d like to offer some info I’ve learned as a forum volunteer:
Getting 50ms latency is unlikely to be considered an issue. Something considered an issue is getting a ping over 100ms when it should be in the 50ms range. Blizzard also has no control over the routes your ISP uses to reach its servers, which can have a huge impact on your latency. All that being said, you are always welcome to open a ticket by clicking Support in the top right of any forum page.

But again, your ping seems great and I don’t think there’s any cause for concern.

What I am confused about is the glass thing says I should be getting around 25 ping

The Looking Glass only pings the login server, not the server you’re playing on. You’re going to have a higher ping in game because you’re processing more information than a tiny ping to authentication services.