High ping in-game, perfectly fine internet/ethernet. Help

I play on Ethernet, packing a solid 500 Mbps downloading and 20 Mpbs uploading, I am not entirely sure as to why my game is almost flawlessly remaining at either 64ms Latency or 70-71ms Latency ingame. This is the only game I am currently having this problem on, as I have done literally everything I could to:

-Clear packet loss
-Fix ping spiking
-Remove outside interference (using Ethernet)

Every game I play is sitting at a comfortable 12-25ms of ping, depending on the game’s servers and peer-to-peer connections. This is not an internet service provider issue, and this is definitely not a hardware issue either (which I believe is possible) as I have a 2080 super, i7-8700k, 20GB ram 8GB VRAM, and my motherboard is capable of handling the Ethernet speeds.

I really can’t find anything currently to fix this as everything is probably from when the game first released, and I am desperately needing a fix. Losing fights because that one second where my bullets may not register thanks to the latency is a pain. Restarting wifi, Changing DNS, or even resorting to a Wi-Fi card (usually advertised as better than ethernet) have never changed my ping throughout the last few years of me occasionally popping in and out of Overwatch matches.

(One last thing to add is that I do not think this was any different during the Overwatch 2 Betas either, which is also strange.)

“LAT” in Overwatch is not the same as “Ping.”

It’s two different metrics combined into one stat for easy reading. More info here:

While that might be true, there are lots of factors that can affect ping in only one game (and could affect others you don’t know of yet). Two prime examples:

  • The data center you’re landing on is far from your home because of your selected mode or rank. All players in North America can be matched to Los Angeles or Chicago servers. The same is true in other regions with multiple servers.
  • A peering node between you and the server is causing the issue, which would be an issue for which the ISP has to request a fix.

Whatever the case, we cannot begin to tell you what’s actually happening without some network data. All posts with latency/connection issues should include a WinMTR, so please add one if you’d like to continue troubleshooting.

I think I did the WinMTR correctly, but I am not sure how to give you the WinMTR text file.

Copypasta into a reply

I tried to send it, but it says ‘No links’, am I supposed to just send the numbers alone?

Just put a space anywhere in the link to break it…

Sorry for the inconvenience, here is the WinMTR. If this isn’t how I should send what you are asking for then I apologize again.

I see some lag spikes along Charter’s route that easily explain ping in the 72ms range. And strangely, we might be neighbors. I’m also getting those pings to Overwatch, but that’s normal for the higher end (the lowest is usually 63ms, but that translates to 48–53ms ping due to the combined stat).

The other games may have servers in Florida or Georgia to allow such low pings, but you can’t get 12–24ms from Florida to Chicago regardless of your download speed on Spectrum.

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