High level Tracer can blink in and murder team

They should increase the time between blinks and give her 200 hp, she’s too squishy and too mobile, you can’t balance her like this. And the addition of Brigitte only made things worse, you now have to deal with both of them.
If you fight broken with broken, there’s gonna be a lot of collateral damage.

Now compare pulse bomb to EMP.

That is why tracer does more burst with her guns

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I never said she was nerfed.

She’s never been that good on the ladder to begin with either.

This would actually make tracer WAY better.

Burning all your blinks at once is a noob mistake.

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My friend told me that, it’s related to latency stuff

Just as bad as this?

Because, he’s serious, while i’m clearly making a joke. Also, nice choice of words there, you said “Look”. How something looks is completely on the viewers side and how they feel about it. For example, i find it fun, you may not. In any case, none of my concerns.

Psst, about the straw man, i’ve already debated his points, but he doesn’t debate back, he just pulls out the righteousness and victim cards and stalls the game. I like control decks, but that’s kinda too much.

Thanks for tryin tho.

P.S. Last time, just for sayin that a user was making a fool of himself i got mass flagged. Don’t worry tho, i won’t flag you for calling me stupid :3

If you had at least a few seconds to turn around and shoot her, that would be fair. But she unloads a clip in an instant and then teleports to the shadow realm.

I think moral of the story is much different… and that Tracer should have been looked at for some serious basic damage nerfs a long time ago.

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Yeah and that is POOR tracer play.

Tracer needs to more than just damage someone and blink away and wait for everything to recharge.

Cause the enemy is just going to press Q and unless a strong ULT that does way more damage.

Tracer needs to use her tools to stay in combat not burn them all to run away.

Tracer teleports behind you: Nothing personal kid.

I play the “victim card”? You mean how you quite literally have quoted a completely different thread that is 100% NOT RELEVANT to this topic (The thread you pulled up I wrote on Mercy/Ana. NOT Tracer.) This thread is about TRACER. Who is a character I personally feel is dramatically overtuned and is able to be a one man army capable of diving into a team, picking off their key players and leaving unscathed. And if anything goes wrong she can pull out easier than any other hero in the game. The literal ONLY way to kill her is to basically 100-0 her. Nothing else is nearly as effective.

But back to your personal attack on me.

And now you’re using that very same thread (on Ana and Mercy) in a thread about TRACER to attack my personal character and credibility and run a smear campaign. Because I have CHOSEN to not respond to you as you are bullying me.

How exactly is being the victim “PLAYING” the victim? There is no playing here, I AM the victim. I don’t even respond to your posts because you’ve been nothing short of antagonizing and bullying me.

Now because I opt to not respond you’re running a smear campaign behind my back linking my posts making me look bad?

So HOW am I “PLAYING” the victim?

When i play Mercy and no one helps me, i can only GA away and hope she doesn’t follow. It’s a nightmare to try to kill her with a projectile weapon if you have average aim, this forces me to switch to Brigite and delete her in a stun.
It’s not balanced either way, there has to be a middle ground.

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Tracer is built to be really good against low DPS heroes and bad against high DPS heroes.

Basically she is trying to burst down people who can’t one shot her. Which makes it rough for tanks and some support to deal with her 1vs1.

Brig can’t even counter a good tracer lol

Its clear your not a High level sombra…

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A rule of thumb is, a tracer will have blink every 3 seconds, if she stockpiles, she ain’t blinking, otherwise she is blinking every three or more seconds.

Not hard to do the math with a hack that is less than half that time.

That seems really unlikely considering the statistical data which you use very frequently. It seems also unlikely just by using common sense and assuming people can make the right pick to negate her job. If we want to just assume the Tracer player is playin against bots, then yes. I am good at getting key targets too with minidva.

It’s not a personal attack on you, i’m always only attackin your arguments. I don’t know anything about you as a person, nor i have a reason to hate you and, infact, i don’t.

No, i’m attackin your argument credibility. I didn’t say something about you as a person, i didn’t bring up something about your personal life. I showed how you reasoned on another topic, close to you, and how you are presenting facts here. It shows clear bias. In a discussion about nerfs, buffs and overall balance, bias has no place if you wanna be credible. So, i’m pointing out the bias.

I’m am attacking your arguments, not you. Defend your arguments, not yourself. You as a person aren’t in any danger. Your arguments are, because they are weak. You wanna present facts, i like to debate, if your facts are fallacious, i’m gonna attack them. It’s kinda how a debate works. And i invite you to find somewhere where i fight your arguments based on feelings or attackin you as a person and not your arguments. Or even actually insulting you.

This is why i say you like to play the victim card.
And how’s this behind your back? Dude, my posting history is here, find me talking about you without something that sends you a notification. And it’s not even about YOU it’s about your arguments and your topics and your posts.

Realize this, please. I don’t have anything against you.

After reading title, I came straight to reply:

“High level Widow can one shot and murder healers”

I can only assume this thread is receiving so many replies for the same reason I jumped to reply. To counter reply with something equally as humorous as it’s title.

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The best change they could make to her gun rn is too give her the falloff buffs they gave to soldier and mccree. From 30% to 50% falloff…

That’s not what the OWL inaugural season playoffs showed. Arguably the very best Tracer in the world had to swap off her vs Brig.