Hiding profile was a bad move

Private profiles are a good change, they just shouldn’t be private by default. It messes up stat collection, team building, and the new LFG system.

Not going to lie, people like you are definitely why I am considering hiding my profile. If I instalock Hanzo as my most played hero, I have a feeling I know what I am doing, fam. Regardless of whether or not you see that “I am not landing shots.” That is what they all say as I carry them to victory while they are busy watching me in their death cams for half the match. Been there, done that. :slight_smile:

As for the Mercy example, well, that is why this feature exists. So congratulations for forcing change for the better you jackanape. :wink:

You cannot see the pro of this system because you are the pro. :wink:

yuck didn’t like lfg so far

People lied about what they’re good at even with public profiles.

“I’m a junkrat god, trust me it’s a good pick”
checks profile… 30% wr in current comp season, and 40% in qp
calls out player. Now they swap.

I mean, it really would be nice to actually be able to trust people, but there unfortunately have been too many who have abused that trust already.

it’s way better to talk to your team and build a comp together then assume this is the com everyone what to play while others adept to your pick.

Another positive effect, people wouln’t get triggered before the game because of 3 Mercy mains or one tricks :wink:

You now have the tools to weed out these people should you choose. Create a group and state public profiles only.

In my experience, the only people who want public profiles are bullies, braggarts, and the anti-social. If you truly only care about forming a good team, you would creating a group ahead of time. A much easier task now with the LFG system.


According to my profile, my most played hero is Pharah.

Since I’ve been playing the game since beta, this is not really reflective of my current roster. I still play Pharah from time to time, but I have been spending way more time with other heroes these days.

So, by looking at my profile you would assume that she is my best hero. Which is not really accurate.

Making profiles private was a necessary and tangible improvement to the game.


Okay say it with me

Oh you can’t be a dictator anymore? Must suck not being able to tell your team mates what you want them to play.

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I truly, deeply, feel for you. Flaming is hard nowadays. You have to actually spend time playing with people to find out whether they’re competent at something or not, instead of going in with an utterly biased opinion and trying to force your opinion of what they should do upon them.

Why is playing a Symm if you only got a 50% winrate trolling or throwing? :open_mouth:

Honestly, just from what you wrote there: You’re exactly the reason this got changed. You’re the type of player I’d prefer to just be blocked from the game, but since the game needs players to thrive, preventing you from getting bile-fodder as easily is the next best thing, can still always hope for you to go nuclear in chat and get banned over that.

Sorry, but I couldn’t be happier this got changed with comments such as yours being around. :+1: Blizzard, awesome change!


Eh. The issue of hero hours is hard, but probably the best choice since Blizzard has so much on their plate with the reworks and a new hero.
I’m unsure how to feel about this. This new feature can create distrust among the team, but at the same time everyone is worried about their endorsement level.

I don’t see what distrust it can create which wouldn’t have been blind inacceptance before. I mean really, we went from a negative impact (“Oh god why are you playing XYZ, you are terrible with her, plus you are silver!!!111!eleven!!”, only in less word-filter-accepted) to no impact.

Which is a clear improvement. Even better would be something positive, but if you think Overwatch’s community would use an inspection feature for something positive then you have never played Ranked :expressionless:

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A lot of offmeta mains were saying how hidden profiles are a good thing.

I agree with OP. How is it any better that no one can see that you have 1000 hours on Torb and they know you’re a devoted, good torb? Sure someone will say some dumb stuff about ‘‘torb main’’, but that’s less bad than the whole team doubting you for throwing/trolling.

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For competitive, I agree it should not be a thing. But for everything else, I welcome it! Getting berated for your rank by a person 200 sr above you is pretty lame… Especially if its after you just pooped on them a few times!

You say that not many players on Xbox are in chat or talk…

So what does it matter if you can see their profile or not?

They’re going to play what they’re going to play. If you can’t ask them to switch because they’re not in chat what does it matter if you can see the profile if you can’t do anything with that information?


If it’s a bad idea, then don’t hide your own profile ? Stop complaining about private profiles while you have a private profile yourself…

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Completely true. In console, NO ONE seems to have a mic

Well you obviously haven’t met people that actually use stats to suggest switches in a mature and logical way… which is sad that you throw those people along with the toxic ones.

This is the EXACT reason Hiding Profile is great. That person can now play something else because people act like if you play one support and have them as your most played hero even by ONE hour, you have to only use them. If you play Hanzo… well people know you are most likely gonna be sticking to DPS. Which is more than half the cast. Supports are stuck to what, like 6 heroes? Tanks are the same thing. Sorry we don’t all play meta DPS heroes