Jeff still thinks Hide n Rez was Standard? Jeff plz

It is. Negating that first pick with zero effort is incredibly powerful.

Most of us are okay with mass rez not returning and still don’t like CD rez. Personally I don’t necessarily want mass rez, I want an earnable rez, that Mercy has to charge by healing/dmg boosting. With Valk still being her ultimate… if such a thing is possible.

But an earnable ability is basically an ult…

I mean, yeah, you could use torb’s scrap mechanic for E rez. But that would basically give Mercy a mini-ult on E, which defeats the purpose.

Yeah their entire approach has been a disaster.

That said though… Mercy has kinda always been in a bad spot.

Before those frames, you were better off running Lucio & Zen then Ana & Lucio. Mercy wasn’t considered very good.

Then they buffed her and from there reworked her and its spiralled outta control ever since.

I dont really see how 50 hps does much of anything past making it so she’ll be a bad choice to pocket over aggressive tanks but it would be nice if they could finally figure her out.

As far as mass rez goes though… the common narrative seem to be “mercy was balanced then” but even then she was problematic. I mean… she wasn’t even meta when the game only had 3 healers and she was the only one who could pocket.

Like I said, a lot of people were adamantly opposed to it. Imagine the anger and frustration that people are feeling now about Mercy being nerfed again, and that is similar to how people were acting with suggestions of nerfing mass resurrect. :confused:

Personally, I’d settle with Mercy simply being fun to play as again. I think that’s been the biggest issue for most Mercy mains since the rework. People shouldn’t be saying how she is good or bad and focus so heavily on that aspect, she simply lost her appeal when they got rid of her ult. Her ult did what DPS ults could do, change the tide of a battle. It had to be used with good timing though as it had the ability to get you killed or even made useless if you didn’t rez all the people in time. I wish more ults were like this + how many DPS ults are which is to say you can get a lot out of it when done right or nothing at all when done wrong.

Her ult ever since re-work has just felt like you are holding LMB 95% of the time like always but you can fly. Was a bit more entertaining when you could fly at mach 10 and annihilate snipers with your peashooter lol… wasn’t balanced but that was it’s only saving grace of fun.

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Not necessarily. Genji has an ability that can be ‘earned’ by getting an elimination. I’m sure Mercy could receive something similar.

EeveeA explains the idea very well.

That was because mass rez was the only value Mercy 1.0 could bring to a fight. That meant that nerfing mass rez was nerfing the entirety of Mercy’s viability.

If she had an E ability, the effects of nerfing mass rez wouldn’t be so drastic.

Fun fact: one of the most common topics pre-rework was “give Mercy an E abililty.” I think that most people would have happily taken some mass rez nerfs if that meant getting an E ability in exchange.

Oh my god that was so fun lol.

I’m glad they incorporated a mini version of this.

I would have preferred nerfing mass resurrect. I used to be opposed to it, but often times I’d just get annoyed that Mercy, while using resurrect, couldn’t be stopped. If you didn’t find her, kill her, etc. before she flew in to resurrect her team, you lost that opportunity.

That was my biggest gripe with it - every other ult, even Sombra’s EMP can be stopped before it’s cast even though it’s “instant” - but Mercy’s was truly was instant. You could not stop it during. For something powerful enough to turn the tides, I wish it had counterplay to it. To clarify, I wish it had the same level of counterplay as other ults. Deathblossom, tac visor, D.Va bomb, Grav, Dragonblade, etc. have massive kill potential but you can still have a chance to stop it. You can kill them before they use it, like you can with Mercy. But you couldn’t stop Mercy if you didn’t kill her before. She didn’t meet the same counterplay as other heroes.

People were sadly so against it back then. Hindsight is 20/20 though.

Pop quiz, who dies more.




If they just made LoS checks and a cast time on mass rez… everyone would be satisfied I’m pretty sure.

Instant rezes have definitely not garnered much support, nor having it as an ability on a cooldown.

Nothing will grind my gears more than the old Gibraltar mass rezes at the very last point where a Mercy on defense could bring back an entire team… from the spawn room.

Yeah, which is why I believe hindsight is 20/20 lol

If they presented the option, “Well we want to nerf mass resurrect. We know a lot of you don’t like it. But the alternative is a rework we have planned”, I’m sure a lot of people would opt for the former. lol

Horizon, which is one of my favorite maps, was guilty of this, too. She would just walk out of spawn and you couldn’t do anything to stop her from resurrecting :frowning:


But I do think that Mercy 1.0 would NEED an E ability added, if her viability were to stay intact after the mass rez nerfs.

She was also an issue because mass resurrect still wasn’t a fun mechanic for anyone but Mercy.

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If we’re going with the “not fun to play against” argument, that would apply to just about any ult in the game.

“Not fair to play against” is a legit argument, tho. Mass Rez should have had more counterplay. I think that if it had a cast time, a lot of the complaints about it would have died down. Enemies would have been able to stun/kill Mercy and make her lose her rez if it had a cast time.

But no other ultimate in the game forced my team to die to get an optimal use out of it. That’s my problem with mass resurrect.

I hate this rework too, but I feel like Blizzard made it this way for a reason. Mass Resurrect is ridiculously hard to balance.

I agree with Sila on this. The whole “ult is not fun” is pretty much subjective. It sucks to have an enemy team rez a good chunk of their losses… but it’s your fault for letting it happen.

Just like when a Soldier or McCree or Pharah etc gets a good ult off… you generally have let it happen. Your fault at being observant / positioning.

Hanzo + Zarya ult combo… honestly that’s the only combo that is POS territory for me because you NEED a zen to counter that (sort of Symmetra if fast enough?) but other than that I mean… if they hit the Zarya ult correctly GG. Not much counter play other than to always play distant from eachother when you get a feeling it’s about to happen but that’s a really tall order that’s fairly unrealistic for the entirety of the match after it starts.

I forgot that Mei’s iceblock doesn’t cancel rez and when I used it on a Mercy Iand it didn’t work I got so flustered. Ugh.

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Other support ults force your team to be on critical health to get use out of it. The whole point of many support ults (mass rez, sound barrier, trans) is to rescue your team from dire circumstances… which makes their viability dependent on your team getting into those circumstances.

In its own way, Mass Rez was actually healthy for the game. It kept ult spam in check, preventing people from using “ult spam to win”. As a special mention, it provided a counter for grav combos.

Mass Ressurect could have been balanced by placing extra restrictions on it.

Mercy could have been balanced by giving her an E ablity to compensate for the rez nerfs. She was extremely ult dependent because she didn’t have an E ability.

Here we go, mashed up those 3 charts.

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It certainly felt standard, in my subjective, limited experiance.

It was also expected of you, so “OMG MERCY GO HIDE!!!” made playing her more annoying.