"Hide and rez wasn't a thing"

Really? Cause you were in that thread. Right around the time you were going on about how you’re going to stop being a troll.

also time for a reality check. The best mercy’s in the game were the best because they got off mass res. SR exploit or not, that’s what it was.

Stop the denial already. I’ve been over this with you multiple times now.

:eyes: Totally forgot about that. Anyway, I’ll read it but from the looks of things, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be worthwhile.

Nope. Like I said, they were the “best” because they abused such a strategy. Stahp with the denial.

So, the last option is to remove rez.

Of course they abused the strat. It was the meta for that hero. Tempo ressing got you absolutely nowhere, and mercy was otherwise a heal bot when not ressing.

Id be fine with that lol. Blizzard is incapable of balancing Res if they intend on keeping Res on E.

Then they’re not good because if the SR system was fixed earlier, they would’ve dropped like flies. Also, if it isn’t encouraged by the ultimate, it isn’t a problem. Stuff like that, you let the problem fix itself rather than interfering.

This is so false… Tempo ressing is the best strategy for Mercy. Please stop with these lies.

And not surprisingly, a handful of people find old Mercy more enjoyable than the current trash we have.

And yet still mercy was terrible for pro play, because tempo ressing got you nowhere.

It’s the better strategy sure, it’s still bad. So bad it wasn’t worth running in pro play.

Yeah, i’m sure every single one of them have posted in titanium’s thread. Try checking the popular opinion anywhere but these forums.

In pro play, “Hide n Res” got you nowhere as well. Besides, Mercy being F-tier in pro play was mostly because she was only ever used to pocket a Pharah and because other supports were way better than her at the time.

It really isn’t. It wasn’t good in pro play because said tempo res was only ever used to res a pharah.

Any place in mind?

Alot of people confuse hide n rez and taking cover as the same thing. Mercy peeling before an ult barrage is a smart thing. This whole 4+ rez thing did not work well in diamond plus. You just set your team up for another wipe pulling that back then. Hide n rez was done but not as much as people think at the higher tiers. At the lower tiers it payed off because of lack of awareness or care from most teams for the enemy mercy.


Uhm, a lot of mercies actually did. If the player was worth it ofc

Can I post your reply in Titanium’s thread? (the one where you pick apart his “bias” and “fallacious” thread) Perhaps he will see it. You could do it yourself if you want.

Yes, that’s why I didn’t even mention it. Because you’re saying tempo ressing was the better option, and even then tempo ressing was useless.

Yes, they were. And you somehow believe she was good then.

It had a lot more problems then just being used on phara. Go read the article I linked. They link data from winston labs at the time about hero’s and the impact their ultimate’s have, with mercy being way below everyone else.

reddit. any discord overwatch groups. generally just talk to people in the game. The general consensus is usually mercy is boring, but she’s better than she was pre-rework.

No. Me and Titanium will never see eye to eye, and I don’t feel like being falsely flagged.

In pro play because everyone with half a brain knew that Mercy as a whole was garbage at the time. Especially, when pros can’t get dozens more value of a high skill hero like Ana. In ladder play, tempo ressing is extremely gooood. It’s like the Overwatch Gucci. Hide n Res is Louis Vuitton. It may look like Louis Vuitton is better but in reality, Gucci is more popular, better quality and is endorsed by pros like EeveeA.

What? No. I believe she can be balanced with mass Res. She definitely wasn’t good before. I’m just saying that tempo ressing has always been good. Otherwise, new Mercy wouldn’t have been so OP when it was first released.


Oof. Idk about this. Right now, the forums is dealing with reddit brigading so idk if I really want to poke the hornets nest.

Yeah, I go to these places but the general consensus is that she was slightly more fun before.

D: but if he has never seen your reply, you shouldn’t even be saying that you took his thread apart. Like, what’s the point if he’s never gonna respond? I’m going to be a good friend and fellow shister and do it for you. :slight_smile:

Thank me later boo.

Edit: in case you missed it, I didn’t do it. Well, I did for one minute then deleted it.

Yes, they did. And this is where you want to bring her back.

The problem wasn’t balancing. Yeah mass res had little counter play but even then it was the biggest read and anything but impactful.

Do your own research, might break that bias viewpoint of yours.

lolwut. No, it’s not. Most on reddit stay away from the forums because of how toxic it is.

Actually he did, you can see he even liked one of your comments in that thread, more specifically anyones comments who were arguing with me. But you know, glad to see you’re still trolling. Reporting this comment too.

Nope. I always suggest balance changes for it.


No. :blush:

Actually, a particular subreddit is for some reason brigading the forums. If I were to take guess, it’s because they forced the Mercy subreddit to private their subreddit.

Clearly he hasn’t? Why would someone watch their thread get refuted and do nothing. Also, T_T you still think I’m a troll.

We have nothing else to talk about then. Don’t reply to me anymore.

Fine, I’ll read it.

One-tricking as Mercy

A lot of players one-trick in competitive queue—meaning, for better or worse, they are only good at a single hero and often refuse to play anyone else. People do it for a variety of reasons ranging from comfort to leveling strategies. There’s not a whole lot wrong with this approach if you can ignore the incessant pleas of your teammates to switch when it’s needed, but one-tricking with Mercy often leads to inflated skill rating gains, which then exacerbates the issue of poor game sense at all levels of play.

Id argue that one-tricking wasn’t the cause of the inflated SR but rather the broken SR system with was fixed a month before her rework. To summarise, no, the whole SR thing isn’t a reason anymore because that was fixed a year and a month ago.
You might be thinking, “What’s wrong with staying on Mercy? Every team needs healing, right? What better choice is there than the prototypical healer in Overwatch?” All are very valid points, but the problem comes down to her ultimate ability. Like LG JAKE said in a blog post earlier this year, purposefully waiting to use Resurrect when four or more teammates are down creates a cycle of failure in many instances. A lot of Mercy players just see “x5” next to the skull and pull the trigger. However, most of the time they aren’t looking at the situation or enemy ult economy when they do it.
And again, this is a SR system related issue. The SR system at the time encouraged such play and it isn’t an issue anymore because that very SR system was fixed. Also, people don’t just one-trick her because of her ultimate. Frankly, there’s nothing that proves this. If anything, people were one-tricking her because of the broken SR system that artificially inflated their comp stats and the fact that she’s one of the most easiest characters to play and doesn’t have much transferable skills.
I play a lot of Reinhardt, for example. As soon as four or five enemies are dead, I already know what might be coming if the other team has a Mercy. It’s one of the easiest reads in all of Overwatch, and that comes with or without your team screaming to watch out for Mercy. When that big Resurrection pops, it does nothing but put a smile on my face. Why? Because that’s four or five fresh targets to get with an Earthshatter so my team can farm more ultimate charge.

Proves that “Hide n Res” is bad. That’s what I’m arguing lol. Only bad Mercy’s Hide. This is why tempo ressing is better. It doesn’t give the enemy team a chance to easily read your every move. I feel as though this whole article is just going to explain how “Hide n Res” is bad and how the rework was good because it got rid of this but you see, that is the problem. If the strategy is bad and the motive didn’t exist, it would’ve fixed itself. You don’t, and I repeat, don’t try to fix something that eventually will fix itself. That’s essentially throwing gasoline onto a fire.

Not only did that rez accomplish nothing, but it actually puts the other team in a deeper hole. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t see any of that. It rewards the Mercy player for that mass rez, and if they end up winning the map, they get a handsome SR bonus. For the Mercy one-trick, you couldn’t ask for anything better. You’re playing the same character so the game has a better gauge of your skill level, and you’re nailing multiple rezzes every time you ult. It’s the easiest recipe for success regardless of how well you’re really playing.
Lol, this is pretty self-explanatory. This is indeed correct but it wasn’t a problem because of mass Res, but rather, again, the SR system which, again, was fixed a month before her rework. Lol, this proves that they shouldn’t have reworked Mercy.
A complete lack of utility

For all of Mercy’s attractiveness as a healer, she doesn’t have a whole lot more to offer her team. Zenyatta has Orb of Discord, Ana has Sleep Dart and Biotic Grenade, Lucio is a healing beacon and can boop, and all of them can do damage while they’re healing. Their survivability surpasses Mercy’s in every way, and they have a handful of debilitating effects that Mercy doesn’t have. Like the folks at Arc6 told me sometime back, you shouldn’t be seeing Mercy if there’s no Pharah on the field. At least then she can get up and out of range of some heroes.

You quite literally do not need to even touch Mercy just to give her more mid-fight utility. What even? This is a poor excuse to get rid of mass Res. Is mass Res holding a gun to Blizz’s head and telling them that they can’t give Mercy ultilty whilst mass Res exists as an ultimate?
Don’t get me wrong. It’s possible that with the inferior aim at lower levels, you might be okay just zipping around between grounded teammates. You might even be able to pocket someone on the ground without much worry. Even if this is the case, you have to ask yourself what purpose you’re serving in every engagement. Is it just healing or occasionally boosting DPS? Because that Zenyatta has a fire-and-forget heal on Winston, Orb of Discord on the enemy Mercy, and he’s nailing headshots and raking in some kills. At the end of the day, you’re there for Resurrection.
I don’t like the fact that some random person is telling me why I played old Mercy. Sorry to say this, but me and a couple of others played Mercy for reasons other than Resurrect. Assuming that is ridiculous because now, most of us find Mercy to be dreadful in terms of fun and she still has Resurrect. By his logic, we should still be playing Mercy and enjoying her since she has a more powerful version of Resurrect but clearly, this is not the case.
Mercy promotes sloppy gameplay

We’ve gotten to a point where a sizable part of the Overwatch community believes that Mercy is the support meta in every situation. You can’t enter a game anymore without someone demanding that Mercy be chosen over the others. Some might say it’s because she’s the best healer, but this is untrue. It’s because of Resurrection, nothing else. In this regard, it’s unfair to pin lazy, sloppy play on the Mercy who hides and waits for that “x5”. People don’t like being without that crutch, plain and simple.

This title is wrong. It should be, SR system promoted sloppy gameplay, in which I’ll respond with, it has already been fixed.
It would now be appropriate to discuss what happens with Mercy in Overwatch esports. For starters, where there is Pharah, there is Mercy. That’s the only time you’ll see her. Next, you will very seldom see a huge rez unless it’s completely safe to do so. This usually occurs when the enemy respawn stagger gives you the opportunity to do so. Other than that, single or double rezzes are the name of the game, and they happen as soon as someone drops so they can get right back in the fight. Even with that, Resurrection still has very little impact on the game. Look at the following chart provided by Winston’s Lab, an Overwatch data analysis site:
This disproves your assertion that tempo ressing was a bad strategy that was never used in pro play. Just wanted to point that out. :wink:
Even so, Mercy was in a bad spot—take it from Reinforce. She was not fun to play, she made people lazy, and there were serious problems with her SR gains. If you’re a fan of Resurrection, her changes actually make it a whole lot better. Now your Mercy will actually have to keep fighting and make micro decisions in every battle like everyone else, all while prolonging the engagement with individual rezzes. Not only that, but her ultimate brings more tools to the table, putting her closer to the caliber of support character she should be. In theory, this should improve the quality of player behind the Swiss medic
Mercy was in a bad spot but that doesn’t need a whole rework to fix, she was fun to play. The only reason this guy thinks otherwise is because he thinks we only play Mercy for mass Res. Lol, totally not making an assumption without enough evidence. The SR gains was fixed so that isn’t a good argument anymore. And finally, he’s telling us that we should enjoy an OP state of Res. That much tells me that he doesn’t know much about balance.
While these PTR changes might be shocking, think of how much more value you’ll be getting per spawn. Think of all the times having one tank die caused a hold to snowball. Give it some time and let it sink in. These changes are a step in the right direction.
Thinking like this is extremely selfish. This guy seems to be forgetting that everyone suffered a year of moth meta and some Mercy mains were targets of harassment simply because people were upset over the fact that Mercy players continued to play a broken character.
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Ha, when he apologized for getting caught in the same ult that also caught the rest of his team off-guard, it gave me a little PTSD. XD Such a bad feeling, Mercy got punished SO MUCH harder than anyone else for not being super aware of enemy positions/flanks/ult economy.

BUT, that is exactly what I miss. Her kit was simple, but the mind games and urgency were so rewarding.