"Hide and Rez" double standard

Excellent video from Aria Rose on the double standards surrounding Mercy, both in the past and present.
Felt it needed a share.


the community doesn’t like this video, because most of the points are hard to argue against!


The community hates her videos for some reason… Best if we post her new ones which are dev friendly. :slight_smile:

I want more Aria videos. Girl knows how to spill the T :rofl:

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A Reaper jumps down from somewhere and kills the entire team … that’s skill. A Mercy jumps though the entire enemy team into the mass grave aka her team and rezz everyone …. that’s unfair!

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Eyy another one.

Strap up, we know what these threads devolve into.


That is not skill, that is pure luck on reapers part, juat like mercy flying into a enemy team and pulling off a rez, pure luck

I call this the Hide 'n Die :smiley:


That was irony :wink:

Someone call Darwin, this thread is about to devolve :laughing:

This video’s already been posted before…


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Mass Rez was an awful design. I really do enjoy tempo rez and valkyrie.


I have to say, this video made a lot of good and valid points. But I really doubt the developers will actually revert Mercy back, since they invested resources into her new “successful” rework.

Stay strong Mercy mains, you have our support!


Tempo rezzes aren’t a fixed number.

Why are you acting as if 5 man resses are easy to get? Legit, if this was the case, when old Mercy existed, her average number of resses per match would be higher than 6.

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Both are hard to get. You can’t compare the two in terms of difficulty because they are both fundamentally different. Also, I agree with what you are saying, you can’t compare the two. I just don’t agree with the reasoning.

You are probably not going to believe me, but I actually have about the same number of both. I only ever did three x5 rezzes though and I think two x5 kills (technically a sextuple, but Hanzo stole the last kill)…

The only argument that is an argument is the one saying “but dps can hide&ult!” which has been explained over and over why this is allowed.

The dps who use it are supposed to either sneak up on the enemy (Reaper), shoot it from unseen spots to avoid the ult being dodged/destroyed (Hanzo/Junkrat) or are CCed in place without anything to defend them (Junkrat).

And if you check those ultimates, they all could be invalidated by the enemies behavior while Mercy ress was instant and uncounterable.

Mercy’s ult being uncounterable does not mean that it’s not longer hiding. I don’t know where people are getting that from… Also, most people say this to try and get mass Resurrect back. With that in mind, changes to mass Resurrect such as a short cast time wouldn’t be surprising.