Hidden Ranking System

Your Elo Matchmaking Rating is primarily determined by the reflection of overall wins and losses in the history of that game mode. Now how much your Hidden MMR/SR goes up or down is determined by the following factors:

  • Win or Lose- The strongest factor in each individual adjustment is the result of the match.
    • When you win a match that positively impacts your MMR
    • When you lose a match that negatively impacts your MMR
  • Strength of schedule - Your personal hidden MMR is compared to the average MMR of the opposing team.
    • If you have a stronger MMR rating than the opponent average and you win you will gain less MMR than average
    • If you have a stronger MMR rating than the opponent average and you lose you will lose more MMR than average
    • If you have a weaker MMR rating than the opponent average and you win you will gain more MMR than average
    • If you have a weaker MMR rating than the opponent average and you lose you will lose less MMR than average
  • Frequency of Play/New Player - If you are a new player (or new account) or if you don’t play very frequently, your MMR will be less certain and may see dramatic increases or decreases until you are playing frequently enough for the game to be certain of your current MMR rating.
    • For example, if you are a new player, you will see dramatic swings of 100 or more SR for your starting few games outside of placement matches, and will continue to have larger than normal swings until around 50 games are played relatively consistently.
    • It can take several weeks of inactivity to destabilize the certainty of an MMR rating, but will quickly recover when you start playing again.
  • Ladder Bubble/Squish - Your MMR rating will have dramatic adjustments if you are at the very top (Grandmasters) or very bottom (<500 Bronze) of the skill rating ladder.
    • If you approach the higher levels of skill rating (4200 or higher est.), you will need to win more games on average versus lose in order to maintain your current MMR rating.
    • You gain more MMR for wins if you are below 500 skill rating typically, however, this is not very trackable as your skill rating is deliberately blinded if you are below 500 SR (to deter throwing games).
  • Personal Performance for Platinum and lower - If you are Platinum rank or lower, there is a minor influence to how well you perform on your chosen heroes in that match.
    • This performance is not compared to your teammates! Instead it is compared to the heroes you play versus the overall community using the same heroes you did.
    • The exact measurements of performance are not entirely known, but it is speculated this is a combination of eliminations, final blows, hero damage dealt, healing applied, accuracy, and total deaths.
    • In-game medals are NOT an accurate measurement of personal performance. Medals compare basic stats to that of your teammates and since each of you play different roles and heroes, you will not be able to properly gauge how much contribution you are providing to the match from looking at Medals.

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