Hey! You really need to Buff Orisa. No joke

Look, I’m a die hard Rein player (but I specialize in all the tanks).
Before this armor nerf, Orisa was needing SOMETHING to make her a more viable pick instead of being grossly niche on her maps.

You devs want to go ahead with these armor nerfs, fine, whatever, I’ve always been an adaptable tank player, I can play Hog and Zarya when things shift. I’m not bothered, but my God, can we stop and think about what a nerf like this is going to do to Orisa?

I’ve been having my fun as Rein for awhile, Orisa players have been fighting an uphill battle for awhile now… She needs SOMETHING…

There has been excellent suggestions on the forums in regards to making her more viable as a tank main. I strongly suggest the devs look at these suggestions.


I have always said it. When she puts Supercharger down, everyone on a 8 meter radius should get booped. This way she can use Supercharger defensively if needed instead of being an ult that you need to use when the enemy is about to engage.
Other than that, I think she’s fine, but a Fortify CD buff would be very appreciated.


Fortify on a meter like Defense Matrix would be amazing. Heck, add a new level of skill to it where if you Fortify just as an attack in close range connects, Orisa swings out her energy sword and counters it.


This sounds really cool lol.

But Jeff hates Orisa, so not gonna happen.

Hammond could seriously use the help as well… but again. No love for him with Blizzard.

Raise her HP to 500 or 600
Change super charge to a ability on cooldown like 10-15 seconds make it a 20% damage boost.
Fortify becomes a ultimate raises her HP to 1000-1500, gains 50%+ damage reduction and forces all enemy combatants to aim at her by modifying her Halt to aim at weapons.

Well, either of these ideas would help:

Halt itself needs a lot of work, even if it could cancel D.Va Bomb momentum, there’s basically zero chance it would ever catch it.

Well, now with the armor changes, I’m liking the shield repositioning idea better.

I think Orisa is my most played hero during the last competitive seasons. I can adapt and switch to Roadhog, Mei or Brigit…(doesnt matter). I also play Zarya, Winston, and last season started to pick Crusader because finally I learned when to shield and when to hammer (Orisa has not this issue). i picked Dva on little situations because some partner picks her before and I dont like her so much, so her nerfs are not a major concern to me.

The last PTR patch scares me. Poor Orisa! I see myself being Zarya/Roadhog as solo tank in bronze…

She needs something that affect her game-flow. She needs all her kit (shield+halt+fortify) to fight Reaper evenly, and now she cannot outdamage him.

I would remove the slow penalty while firing her weapon, which would allow her to have better shielddancing. This, with a little fix to halt, would make Reaper-Orisa duels more fair.

it would be cool if halt affected dva bombs

The patch gives her 33% more bodyshot damage against armor. Would be reckless to test additional changes until things settle a bit.

True. It would be interesting to compare the “damage buff” vs the “health nerf” of Orisa against each Hero, to see where she wins and where she loses.
She remains “the same” against (armor had little effect before, so the nerf is small)

  • Hanzo
  • Widow
  • Pharah
  • Ashe
  • Junkrat
  • Lucio
  • McCree
  • Mei
  • Mercy
  • Zarya
  • Zen
  • Baby Dva

She is better against (heroes with armor):

  • Orisa
  • Torbjorn overloaded
  • Brigitte
  • Dva
  • Reinhardt
  • Wrecking Ball

She is worse against heroes with non-burst damage

  • Reaper
  • Tracer
  • Sombra
  • Soldier 76
  • Roadhog
  • Wrecking Ball in mech form
  • Winston?
  • Bastion
  • Symmetra
  • Ana
  • Moira
  • Genji
  • Torbjorn RMB and turret
  • Bob

I think it is a nerf that we will accuse overall

I always thought Orisa was fine before but after reading these PTR changes I’m worry for her.With reaper on the field with increase damage and the changes to armor I feel she will pick less in lower ranks.


Community: Orisa is lacking and needs a buff

Blizzard: hold my beer…

Incoming armor nerf and reaper buffs