HEY please give mercy her usefulness back THANKS

I’m not making fun of you. But your only argument is “Well nothing we have is reliable!”

Even before private profiles, overbuff et al didn’t track everyone. But their stats track didn’t change with the introduction of private profiles. Rein is still the most powerful character. Mercy was still 50% (and predictably dropped lower after a core nerf), etc etc.

Just because data has limitations, doesn’t mean it can’t be used.

But I don’t think we should shut down all discussion because “Well some people have private profiles!” (before that it was “Well it doesn’t track everyone!”), etc etc.

Having to abandon team fights to look for one character who had the ability to fly every 2 seconds and self heal herself is a lot harder than you remember.

Besides Brigitte, Mercy is still the hardest support to kill. Especially since dive was her main counter and that’s been flushed out.


Wait, what were the flankers for again… oh, right. XP

Also, would you stand out in the open as Zenyatta as the enemy team launched half their ults at you? Neither would I.


Remember when flankers were meta and didn’t just get instakilled by Brigitte? Good times, man. We could actually hunt down people instead of needing to dive in as Winston and receive double pocketing just to kill one healer.


Uh yeah, you stay low for hitscan.

Can you fill me in please?

Doesn’t sound OP it was.

And she isn’t going to be. Ever

Mercy is one of the best off healers available right now for consistency

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Ok. And if you flash banged her or knocked her out of the way, she still hadn’t pressed “Q”. She still had Rez. What stopped her from GAing back to her fallen teammates and pressing “Q” again? Killing her? She still had Rez.

Maybe I should be more clear: Rez, as an ultimate ability, had no counterplay. It wasn’t something that she could be stunned out of (a la Deadeye, Barrage, etc.) , it couldn’t be blocked by barriers (a la Earthshatter, Death Blossom), it couldn’t be eaten by DM (Grav).

The “counterplay” that a lot of Mercy mains argue it had was only AFTER the rez had occurred. So rez as an ability never really had any counters. Which is why if Mass Rez DOES come back, it needs to have some kind of cast time. Maybe not as long as the one it has now, but some kind of wind up.

Yea well, you’d be right…

If there wasn’t a certain Shield-wielding Swede in the game who hard counters all flankers.

She can’t be invincible either.

Not only that, but I don’t think Mercy players realize how desperately weak mass rez would be with soooooo many stuns.

Wow okay so holy sh*t guys! I love playing Mercy, I’m just annoyed with her ult. I didn’t know I had to add punctuation to my titles? And I wasn’t… being sarcastic… I’m serious lmao!
I’m not trying to act like a know-it-all, I just want one of my favorite heroes to have a better ult. :’- ) But maybe this ult is good and I just suck at using it! I dunno, this is just bad in my opinion. I listed the reasons as to why I thought this ult sucked, and I want it to be changed, but there are probably tons of people who have reasons for loving Mercy’s current ult!

I feel as if some people misunderstood what I was saying, and I apologize for not making myself all that clear!!

This myth needs to go away. Overbuff was only ever taking data from people who actually went there and signed up to have it take data from their profile in the first place. Those same people who want to contribute to the data pool are also made aware by Overbuff that they must make their profile public to make it work.

The data provided to Overbuff has always been voluntary. Private Profiles did not change that.

Uhm, no. Player feelings are subjective, therefore you shouldn’t bring them up in Mercy-related balance discussions :slight_smile:


I mean Logically speaking here, Symmetra, Mercy, and Hanzo have been major talks because of reworks that well what’s the word im looking for…Suck! To put it mildly.


It’s a boring, unimpactful, and underwhelming excuse for an “initiating” ult then

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but she is supposed to be a main healer


She is, but Blizzard has a history for inconsistent roles. AHEM Sombra

Sombra is still a utility dps hero though

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So you’re saying Overbuff is even more inaccurate because the majority of players wouldn’t know about Overbuff and wouldn’t bother going to the website? Or are there actual numbers on how large their sample size is? Never used Overbuff so don’t know how it works :man_shrugging:

Rezzing ppl without having to be on the ground.

As well as much easier to get killed.

Not necessarily. They wanted her to be a flanker, now a scout.

Would be nice if Mercy could feel impactful and like a hero again. Let’s hope she’ll be fixed up soon. <3


You’re missing the point. This isn’t a complaint about viablity or balance. It’s a complaint about the player experience being unengaging.

Look to the stats for indications of viability and balance. Look to player feedback for how much fun they’re having.