Hey guys any tips

Any tips out of ELO hell i see my gold rank as a badge of of how bad i am ive been stuck in gold since season 10 (when i started playing comp)

I am attempting to write a “dictionary” of sorts.
Let me know if anything in it helps.

I also wrote this for another player:

Use the group-finder to find people above your SR playing quickplay games.
Ask politely if they’d baby you for a bit.

By grouping with the higher SR you will experience opposition that is generally stronger than you, but your team will also generally be stronger. They will give you the support you need to figure out your mistakes, and not lure you into strategy or tactics that result in failure. Eventually you will adapt to the new environmental pace.

Simple mistakes will get punished by the superior enemy, and you will suffer at first. However, you will eventually stop making those mistakes. When you return to your normal environment you will utilize those corrections by reflex and see an improvement in your general performance.

Pain is an excellent teacher.

As a Wise Seagull Once told many of his Steam Viewers and Words i now live by “Git Good Click their head 4head” :joy:

PS: I’m also a gold so like… yeah

Dude that is the best advice ever dude thanks for the tips

My pleasure. Lots of love brother.
Bump my scrubby dictionary for me please.
I really want the community to help make it useful.