Heroes you have never been a fan of - Literally NEVER

Sym. Her turrets are and will always be annoying.

I only dislike small aspects of heroes, never the whole thing.


I hate everything about this hero. Her shots are so easy to dodge, her only threat is a turret bomb through a teleporter behind you, and her primary fire can be hard countered usually with AD strafing.

When I see someone on my team pick her, I cringe also because I know how useless she is.

I like Orisa’s kit but her personality and everything is so horrifyingly boring it makes me never want to use her no matter how effective she could be.

Butbutbut! He’s a cute little hamster!

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The super cheerfull personality makes me wanna vomit.

she is slavic. All slavs are racist

Is Mei alright though? And Lucio?

“Look at this team. We’re gonna do GRRRrrrrrreat!” (oh wait, no, that’s Tony the Tiger)

ITT: People hating on heroes they have never played as and don’t know how to counter or deal with.