Hero tierlist after patch by ML7 (top 500 support mains)

Good list, nothing is that far off.

Na Mercyā€™s pocket is still broken, her new mobility tech with superjump is great.


Roadhog and Reaper S-Tier? This guy has no idea what he is talking about.

Reaper is meta in OWL so heā€™s not too off with that, and he avoided any changes with the recent patch.

You canā€™t have two tanks in S tier.

reaper is s-tierā€¦

itā€™s also ml7 who knows more about the game than you most likely

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You can, Winston is meta in OWL. Hog is meta in solo queue farming your team and bad Winston players lol

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I know heā€™s been fighting getquakedon a lot lot, makes sense.

Why do we care what one player thinks? I donā€™t care if heā€™s top 500. Tier lists are really stupid.

I donā€™t think itā€™s just quaked thatā€™s catching on to how you play tankfist. Iā€™ve heard that heā€™s becoming very popular in Korea, so thereā€™s clearly something to this.

Itā€™s almost as if the overwatch community is very dramatic when it comes to the state of their mains and they try to downplay them or over exaggerate their power as much as possible. We saw this with the genji nerfs, mercyā€™s current state, moira being S tier, tracer, etc.

I agree with everything except Mercyā€™s state.

As Iā€™ve mentioned in other threads, Mercy is currently in this weird position where she is really bad at low ranks, pretty good at average ranks, and solid with the right composition in high ranks.


Only thing I question is Mercyā€™s placement since it seems itā€™s just 1) how scuffed ladder is and 2) just pocketing Sojourn.

He even admitted that heā€™s choose Bap over Mercy, and how he personally wouldnā€™t pick Mercy.

Really seems like sheā€™s only placed in B tier because sheā€™s a better choice than Brig and Sojourn is broken.

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Usually what I hear is that sheā€™s F tier useless and needs buffs immediately. Which isnā€™t a true because a pocketed dps who knows how to aim can be very oppressive at times. Pharah isnā€™t even that good unless she has a mercy which says a lot.

I`d put Doom, Ashe, Sombra into C tier. Mei down to B tier.
Brigitte down to D tier. Hanzo up to B tier. Orisa down to C tier.

He forgot Echo lol

Feels like heā€™s trying to make a statement by putting heroes like Mei in A tier, Bastion and Junkrat in B tier, and Soldier, Cassidy, and Hanzo on C tier.

Mei definitely doesnā€™t counter Kiriko. Her suzu makes Blizzard worthless and stops her from slowing anyone. Kiriko can even teleport away from her slow. Kiriko counters Mei.

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That would be my take. Of course totally objective.

He focuses alot on Kitsune rush and Ice wall does counter it.
But i agree with you, thats not gonna balance out that Mei would be useless most of the time.

In that it prevents the fox from moving forward? You would have to have pretty good reaction time and positioning to pull that off.

I for one accept our spooky overlord :ghost:

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