Hero skills to OP

Hey Blizz-Team,
my Problem is, OP Heros

List of OP:
Torbjörn´s Deploy Range is To Much !
Sombra´s Stealth is to Long (Very Very unfair), pls The old Stealth back!
Brigitte´s self heal/grp heal Delay is to much/long, grp heal to Low
Reapers Self heal is to OP /much
pls Fix ist / Nerf this

Another one of these troll posts about heroes that aren’t issues? Unlucky.

The deploy range isn’t that big and whilst it’s deploying it will be really vulnerable.
Sombra’s stealth is fine as it is because she can’t contest points while she is invisible she can still be easly found out. and stealth bascially isn’t that great of an ability.

Complain about brigittes low healing? Oh hell no she heals real fast with her passive.

You’re going to complain about his self heal? Whilst complaining about Brigitte not getting enough healing back?

Everything is well balanced.
Sadly enough trolls like you aren’t being removed that often wich is not so good for the forums.
Use appropiate forums next time, and still don’t post this bullsh*t.