Hero Pools Update – June 8

It wouldn’t take an overhaul. Movement acceleration already exists for Wrecking Ball, Lucio, and every hero while airborne.

No, it isn’t. Reinhardt is being played in 70%+ of matches at most ranks. That’s not “extremely diverse”, especially when the remaining pickrate mostly goes to one other tank (Sigma) and a lot of tanks have terrible pickrates.

Supports aren’t much better with Ana being in about 70% of games.

Only Moira can keep up with the healing needed in the majority of team fights. The only thing putting Ana above Moira is her nade, very powerful if used correctly. Frustrating to feel you have no impact when you’re not playing 1 of the two. :sweat_smile:

  • Movement is a hallmark of this game
    And limiting movements may be counter to their intent.

  • They aren’t going to do complete reworks of those heroes to make them play like tanks.

  • Yes, tanks need some form of CC resistance that also works with how they play.

Rein’s steadfast should have CC duration reduction.

Dva should have her bug turned into a feature, giving her CC and knock back resistance while she is firing and using boosters.

Zarya has her bubble.

Roadhog needs is experimental changes for how he tanked (not the damage nerfs), and the damage resistance should also be CC duration and knock back reduction.

Ball should have it when he is accelerating.

Sigma with his temp hp gained through his E as a percentage based on the temp hp.

  • Sym was terrible as support. Completely pales in any way to pretty much ever current support. Echo never was a support. She was an idea as a support with no kit whatsoever, other than her ult concept. She too would need rework to make a support which isn’t going to happen.

  • Agree on tanks need more variety in how they tank. Look at Ball. Dva and RH should b viable choices as tanks that would open up possibilities.

Supports that don’t heal would need significant mechanics to offset comparable functions compared to habit. 2 supports.

  • You do know they the devs do actually communicate and get feedback from pros don’t you? They even have a dedicated discord for dev-pro player communication (or they did last year).

  • No thank you. I hated 1-3-2. I hated when I got stuck as the lone support on a team. I also don’t want to see things like GOATs ever again.

  • Tightening hit boxes would be good for high end play but make low end players really, really bad. That is part of the devs’ attempt to appeal to a large audience of players.

You’re welcome.

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They are still here in Master to Top 500, hence the pharmercy meta with all hitscan dps banned.

The nerfs to healing, earthshatter and the dps burst power creep have made Rein Zarya much less viable.

Now, especially at high level plays it’s all about Double shields again.

I don’t understand was the whole point of Hero Pools so OWL viewers and GM’s could alternate metas?

Thanks for the info.
I was happy with how hero pools worked in my opinion but with the Experimental Card coming in i think the hero pools would have only made more problems.
The one thing tho i would like to ask you guys look at is making a MMR system for the Experimental Card, that way it is more fun to play and better for getting info and data.

Do we have any updates on the xbox voice chat fix?
Some of use have not been able to communicate with our team for 2 months.

I would really appreciate it if you at least put it in the known issues, because a lot of people are experiencing it but don’t know whats happening (considering my reddit post got almost 750 upvotes, and 100 comments, people care about this).

I’m just going to say it…as someone who thought Hero Pools would be the dumbest thing ever… I’m sort of intensely bummed. Hero Pools brought out SO much diversity in play styles. I really really really want it to stay. It was such an amazing cycle of gameplay. I truly believe they should keep it in.

Thanks for not encouraging diversity in gameplay

What diversity? Everyother week had the same comp of heros hahaha and smurfs/throwers skyrockect it becuase no one wanted to play with restrictions lol

Did you consider it has nothing to do with balance, and that we like to play him/don’t get yelled at for playing him like we do for Winston/Hamster - who are perfectly fine picks on their own if you know what you’re doing.

He also happens to have the 2nd lowest floor.

Any time I play dmg I just get Zar/Hog. I don’t want that to happen more.

If it was a popularity contest, D.Va wouldn’t be F tier.

He also wouldn’t manage such strong win rates in spite of being in so many mirror matches.

DVa was the first golden weapon I bought; her playstyle hasn’t been fun for years.

For your 2nd point, I covered that with the low floor. Also, in general, it is easier to win when your team isn’t being incredibly toxic about you picking someone considered unpopular.

Those things would only go so far, compare with the QP stats, his pick rates are like 1/3 lower where there’s less risk aversion.

sigh Goodbye Hero Pools and having a week of heroes that I hate going against… (Like Mecree, Widow, Junkrat and a few others…)

I don’t understand why almost everybody hated it, considering how it created new strategy to the gameplay with different kinds of comps per week.

Now, all the top tier picks will be played and the low tier remain in the trash for good… :frowning:

I would kinda like Zar/Hog to be a viable comp people could actually play legitimately.

People don’t want to play Reinhardt as much as they do. They just have to. It’s kind of sad.

Imagine you get a Zarya and someone asks, “Can we get a Hog?” That would be heaven… and then I would instalock Ball to spite the meta slave. Muahahahaha.

Man, why’s everyone gotta hate meta players.

We just want balanced game where we can have an impact on who wins.

I would like off meta heroes to be better but I don’t get the whole hating on meta thing.