Hero patch notes... where?

Hero Updates

While Role Queue will shake up the team composition meta-game, we also wanted to do a balance pass to make sure every hero is still viable and useful to play. Role Queue affects hero balance significantly, especially for heroes such as Brigitte who was most potent as a third Healer or Tank. With our Role Queue hero updates, we’re updating Brigitte’s kit to provide more healing overall while decreasing her survivability to help solidify her as a Support hero. Read more about Brigitte’s changes and all hero updates in the Patch Notes.

There’s nothing about hero changes in the patch notes…? At least none that I can see

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Check the patch notes under the PTR feedback part of the forums (the link you linked shows the patch notes for the live version of the game)

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Thank you!

I took the wording and link from this article:

I feel like they only put the “official” information on the website, but the PTR is subject to change so they don’t put the PTR patch notes there

They link to the current patch notes, not the PTR.

Thank you