Hero gallery and Owl skin bug?

This has been a thing for a long time. It’s by no means game breaking, but I’m just curious if I’m the only one or if there’s a way for me to fix this. While viewing hero skins I’m unable to rotate the character models. I’m clicking and holding directly on the model itself. I’m not sure if this is a bug or if it’s something in the settings? This has been a thing for a long time and I’ve always wondered about it. It worked fine on ps4 but not on pc for me. Anyone have any idea???

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Well at least I’m not alone here…
Sucks you did all that just for it to happen again
I have SO many changed keys and hero specific changes
I can only imagine the time it took for that
I just tried it on the new patch sadly it’s not fixed
It’s weird because I can do it if I get a skin when I open up a loot box
but for some reason not in the hero gallery or OWL tab
this has been a thing for months
as long as they’re aware of it I hope it’ll get fixed

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