Hero "figure" took longer to load?

After tracer comic patch, when you change hero its took longer to load the HERO FIGURE. Your team member shown as a shiny ORB before the hero figure completely loaded. In previous patch, you can immediately see the hero figure. In this patch its took maybe 0.5-1 Second to load the “figure”.

I’ve checked some streaming from twitch, and I notice the streamer have this issue. Maybe i’m not the only one.

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I’m experiencing the same issue.
Sometimes I see the other players as little orbs too, but mostly my own character is affected. As you said, about 1 second before it actually appears

This wasn’t a big issues because its happen on spawn room and doesnt affect for team fight or gameplay. but it make me feel my computer is slow . haha

After the last update, the game began to behave strangely. Initially, everything is fine, after the first match, the Zarya animation starts to fail during its selection (Twitches). Later, after about 3 rounds, at the beginning of the round, none of the players can be seen including the hands and guns of my hero, after 3 seconds, it appears.

yes i need 1second to render my hero. for previous patch i dont have to wait to see my GUN.