Hero bans sucks 🍑

That’s how it will work on the ladder I bet, there is no way to mask who is in OWL unless they rotate players… which might be very good for the game… how does Excelsior do when JJonak isn’t playing that round…?

Depending from balance, there still may be problem I already described - your team picks certain composition, and bans only hero, that is critical for counter to your composition.

That’s not really good, in terms of SR, as it will require enemy team to be more skilled, that usual, to make it even match with suboptimal counters.

I’m all for bans in OWL only. It makes watching OWL a lot more fun.


They’re saying that hero bans sucks s

I think its wayyyyy too early for hero bans, League of Legends did this only after they had like 80 champions. These devs never cease to amaze me by putting one step forward (2-2-2 role que) and then going 2 steps back (hero bans and 1-3-2 role que)

If they are hated because they are broken, or stupidly annoying to play against, they will get changed. Ban systems help developers see what the playerbase genuinely thinks is busted.

have you seen his baptiste? it’s insane

yeah hero ban sux man because you try to get really good with a hero and then that hero just gets banned and you cant use them like wtf

How is it bad or support or tank mains exactly? Ironically, out of all the roles tank and support role is the one most restricted by the meta. Bans actually allow us to play more heroes from the role, i.e. If we ban Orisa we can’t run double shield.

If tanks can’t flex to other tanks, there being only 7 others, than it’s gg no re: for them.

I can smell the orisa/sigma/mei abusers worrying about their sr if ban system goes live! Just learn more heroes just like we are forced to learn different heroes everytime the meta shifts :slight_smile:

Hero bans won’t remove players from the game with this balancing. We just won’t see Mei, Sigma, and Bapt/Moira anymore.

Hero bans - an unconfirmed system - and it already has people like you telling everyone how bad it is.
Hero bans can be implemented in millions of different ways.
The problem that you highlight your tirade on, is probably the smallest problem when it comes to the hero ban system.
This problem is so blatant, so gaping, that its kind of insulting that you are acting like you are the first person to ‘see the light’, and that the devs would be oblivious to it.
Maybe if you spent a fraction of the time you spent writing this rant thinking about how anyone would sidestep this problem, you might see that it can be solved by IMPLEMENTING THE BANS BEFORE YOU SHOW THE PLAYER ICONS OF THE ENEMY TEAM.
There are tonnes of issues with hero bans, but calling it a bad system, because you imagined a bad iteration, only speaks of your inability to be open to change.

TL’DR: How can you highlight a problem with a system that doesn’t exist, when the issue you highlight is not even likely to be part of the devs implementation of said hypothetical system.

I think this really describes how I feel about OW getting hero bans.

That’s what I’m saying. Tanks meta is only really restricted in M/GM. This myth that you cant play other tanks is a dumb mob mentality that doesn’t exist. Restricting what I cannot pick in an already limited hero pool in an environment where what I need to do can vary drastically is not my idea of fun.

Nothing is preventing you from picking the other tanks right now if you need to swap to counter the enemy or pick up on shield break, or dive snipers, or cover for your one good dps McCree with a barrier, or pick Diva to handle the Pharah your dps/supports cant focus.

I am a main tank player, a flex main tank player. Hero bans would no doubt impact this role the most and if you cant see that then I doubt you tank in solo que.

No, no, no. You got it all wrong. Giving more and more restrictions to players equals as “FUN, FUN, FUN!!!”

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I’m sensing some sarcasm here, personally…

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Lower ranks are infested with smurfs so you get people that really skew the matchmaker. Given equal skill teams, it’s a struggle to play against non-meta in ranks where people are moderately competent.

Lower ranks are more infested by people who think someone is a smurf when they may just be a better player or extremely competent on a set of heros.

Hero bans would not change their competence nor would you even know what hero they will be able to wreck you with if they were truly a smurf.

Hero bans would do absolutely nothing to address this issue.

to OP:

no worries – Jeff just stated that the devs do not want hero bans for several reasons, and are not working on them

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Devs said many things, only to do opposite later on.