Hero Balancing In A Nutshell

I mean, if you think about it, the bash-stun and the boop are a whole lot more reasonable on a tank. That’s the kind of thing that other tanks have, particularly off-tanks.

They’d have to find some ability to replace armor pack, and a new ult (maybe they could keep Rally, but instead of healing, everyone’s cooldown timers count down at 150% the speed, or something).

“What the hell do you guys want?”

laughs in American
So basically just shooting the ceiling

Not balancing every 2 months and at least taking some feedback, instead of just making up their own changes.

No one wanted weird hit box changes to JR, just a longer ult charge.
Most saw Brig as fundamentally broken and needing a non support rework, they simply chose to keep nerfing her but leaving the healing.
Reaper did not need more life steal, he needs a not crap mobility skill and maybe more damage directly on tanks.
Most people were fine with Sym 2.0, but they screwed that up.

The list can go on. They don’t get to have that attitude, they never really listened, except in the most loose sense.

Probably should have actually used that PTR and made it one to one with the main server so people play it.

But no, like everything in OW now, they waited about 2 years too late

Balancing so far:

“X hero Is weak against/compared to Y hero, so let’s buff X hero and completely nerf Y hero too much, that’s balanced right?”

Support buffs and mercy over nerf
Reaper buff and tanks nerfed with Amor

This is what they call a “half truth”. The part being left out here is that the new hero that can punish dive, punished the rest of the roster far more than the heroes she was intended to counter.

Acting as if the players have some kind of unified voice or opinion on anything in 2019 lol.

Easy fix for everything . 2-2-2
You could have left Brig the way she was, and GOATS cant be a thing because you wouldnt be able to stack 3 tanks and 3 supports.
Brigg was super strong because she would make the 3 tanks and other 2 supports even stronger.

Also other heroes like DVA could be properly balanced, instead of overly nerfed or overly buffed. She cant be balanced properly because same role stacking makes her OP.

Forum posts in a nutshell

Players: “Wtf this meta that I never even play is really annoying me. I am in silver but wahhh Tracer is unkillable even though she has an awful pick and win rate”

Devs: Gives hero that creates meta with 0 DPS

Players who don’t know anything about the game: “Omg this hero that can totally kill every squishy in the game in about 2 seconds is fine, she doesn’t need any nerfs!”

Nerfs armor: “I don’t even know how armor works but these nerfs are terrible! I will literally never play tank again!”

Devs often balance heroes by the complaining of DPS players or pro-players

Imagine people still defending release Brig and acting like they have a leg to stand on. Just imagine that

well next time nerf dive instead of going HARDCOUNTER like everyone stated that they didnt want
and then tell us what da hell do you people want?

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