Hero 30 possible relationship

I wonder if baptiste (since he is the one that everyone’s speculate to be the new hero) will have a deep relationship with mercy (since she was heavily mentioned in bastet) or moira (for being a notable healer in talon). He also has a medical background that supports his possible relationship with mercy or moira (or both).

I could be wrong, but what do you think about hero 30 and his/her possible realtionship?

New French Hero x WidowMaker
Baguette x Croisant

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Gosh, I forgot about widow. That is possible too

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Jokes aside, i really wanna see that

Me too, but I think it would be fairer for mercy to have an actual story in the past since widow already has so much lore. Although, mercy has a deep connection with the new hero is kind of unlikely.

Baptiste is an ex-Talon agent. Mercy is an ex-Overwatch agent. The likelyhood of them being connected at all is slim.

Baptiste having a connection/relationship with Moira is more likely, but not guaranteed. Moira doesn’t have a medical background - she is a scientist.

I’d rather they leave the hero’s either single or shack them up with dispensable characters they can kill off for some good kills.

I would like to think non of the mentioned characters are stupid enough to fall for a deserter, especially a Talon deserter