"here's your new tank bro"

“orisa can’t work for ow2 we need to change her”
“have the new tank who has a rapid fire gun, can place a fixed shield on the ground and has a cc that pulls enemy down and slows them.”


…yeah, Ramattra seems 1000% more mobile than OW1 Orisa, apples and oranges comparison… :wink:


I’m almost certain they “rework” heros just to give a new character part of their old kit and call it new. Oh wait that’s exactly what is happening.


to be fair seeing her being reworked and then sojourn just has a better halth on E was funny


Are you suggesting that OW1 Orisa and Ramattra are pretty much the same hero?

no, but when people kept saying “orisa wouldn’t work in overwatch 2” they mentioned her shield being static and her cc being annoying to deal with.
but here’s a very similar kit in concept with even more bloat thanks to form change.

btw, all they had to do with orisa was making her shield have a short duration like that stillborn experimental we got in june and tweak a few things. But they went and completely murdered her kit


But he’s a “TEMPO” tank. Such innovation.


The difference is that only the video about ramattra already seems 3x times more fun that orisa was at her best state

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i found it funny when they said “it’s our first form changing hero” and then the form change is just a temporary swap of abilities… which is what bastion does in overwatch 2 and did even better in 1 since back then he could switch freely

they could’ve made her more fun without changing her kit so radically.
I lost my main and my favourite character (since even her personality is different), so yeah, i’m a bit pissed off


…erm, it means he provides tempo (pushing/re-capturing) for the team…? :thinking:

Orisa didnt fit that well, they were right. The new tank isnt the old Orisa

It means he sets the pace of the match.

Ramattra has 0 mobility.


Her whole kit was about being passive and standing behind a shield while spamming, i’m not going to miss it

Atleast ramattra has agressiveness

In what way? Switching forms to better suit a battle isn’t innovation that’s warrants “tempo” to be the highlight of the character. Or did we forget Queen is technically a tempo tank too by that definition. I don’t care either way he overly bloated and pieces of other characters and calling it new.

i know, but his baseline kit is close as to what orisa’s rework should’ve been. keep fortify instead of form change and it’s basically her gameplay loop


it just will get worse with every new hero…

Remember when Sym´s barrier was pretty much a prototype experimental barrier? Yeah…

sighs I’m clearly not talking about ‘mobility’ abilities but playstyle. Orisa would literally plop a shield down and sit near it 80%+ of each game. Ramattra is almost like Sigma in the use of his shield and as such, is much more mobile:wink:

…it means exactly that lol. Tough choke? Shield/push/change modes/block = tons of tempo for team to rally behind. Versatility is the literal embodiment of being able to provide tempo for a team… :wink:

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Well there was never a problem with Orisa’s gun. It’s specifically the concept of a stationary shield we’re talking about. I think this shield will be much lower duration than Orisa’s, so it’s not designed to be an anchor point for your team.

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