Here's why the Moira nerf makes no sense

Pushing her healing to a number like 65/s just because she has AOE heal but she still lacks any kind of utility, will make her horrible to play. the 80/hps was needed so people couldn’t just choose Baptiste or Ana who heal similarly but still have their utility.


They did not nerf any aspect of what makes her broken…

the most “broken” part about her was her lenient aim requirement, which could be easily fixed by reducing the width of the beam but NOOOOO, they nerf her in the worst way

I disagree with the nerf and believe that they should at least give her compensation buff, maybe reduce the regeneration time for her resource meter?


that would be the best route if they chose to keep it.

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the lack of compensation also doesn’t make any sense

they nerfed it stating the primary on its own was “too good” without realizing her entire kit is tied to her primary healing. her resource meter is balanced around her current HPS. with the nerfed hps, it takes longer to heal someone meaning more resource is used up. more resource used up means resource needed to replenish meaning more time needed to dps to get resource back. let’s not forget about with her hps nerfed, her ult gain will also be slower.


The problem is her damage orb and ult do a disgusting amount of damage.

Knowing Blizzard, they probably wont. The only reason the fade buff didn’t go to live was how baffling and dumb… it sounded. This one sounds “more reasonable” to 'em.

Any time moira’s in play as the meta hero, It’s a meta filled with slow moving, shield holding, damage spamming line up, which honestly is extremely boring to play with or against.

This nerf won’t affect her viability when it comes to what she’s good at, too much.

But it’ll tone her down in healing to match other healers in terms of healing output, which is fine.

Ana should be the only exception due to her difficulty in healing. The rest of the healers shouldn’t be able to burst heal as much as she could.

And she can still heal a lot with orb and primary combined.

orbs does 50dps for 4 seconds, stay with your group and no one dies.

Coalescence does 75 dps iirc. It is an ULTIMATE, Winston does similar damage on his PRIMARY.

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yet the other healers have UTILITY, if Moira could do literally anything else, the nerf would be fine

Shes still got great survivability and can 1v1 squishies, only now she will probably have to use healing orbs alot more than damage ones…

I didnt want nerfs to her but i think she can still be useful (below GM… cus she wasnt even useful in high ranks before double shield lol)

I still think she shouldn’t be able to do this, but knowing Blizzard they nerf her support side.

I love how the excuse of her being overtuned is ‘‘she lacks utility’’. So you would be fined for a gutted 0 survivability Moira as long as she had an ability to provide fade effect for allies or something? Lol

no it shouldn’t

Should Ana be rewarded for being skillful? Yes
Should that reward be so much that she invalidates the other supports like last year? No


She’s survivable, has a decent self sustain, strong mobility, decent damage potential and a very fast charging ult, which in the current globally nerfed ultimate state of game, is a very powerful thing to have.

Utilities generally don’t come into play or matter at all, unless the meta relies on them. So unless a drastic change happens to the tank line up, you won’t even notice much of a change when it comes to moira.

Her reduced healing will provide the opportunity for a more dive-ish approach with winston, to have a chance of overpowering the current stale and low mobility comps we have.

It was a needed change

she never invalidated other healers during the so called “ANA” meta people claim existed for about a year.

Yes. In GM, she was very dominant. But anything below masters and her usefulness was less than mercy players.

Just because people think something is meta and constantly want to pick it, doesn’t always mean it’s OP or powerful for all ranks.

Kind of like dive actually. One of the positive things about the dive meta was the fact that only the highest skill level players managed to pull it off successfully while the rest of the community just picked them up to copy them, while in reality not doing anything related to dive except from having the same heroes.

Same was the case with ana.

She’s fine with 0 utility just as long as 2 of her 3 traits are great.

Healing-great but is becoming okay

the healing change is going to impact hard, similar to Mercy, we felt that 10 hps, we will FEEL that 15 hps

So? Moira made everything unkillable so the more main healers values get nerfed the better(of course with dps being equally reduced) You still seem to forget she got healing orb + primary heal which still way more than most supports in the game.

The issue is not dying, but the fact that it’s an automatic unstoppable guaranteed 200 damage.

It’s actually 70, she’s super tanky the entire time, it can’t be dodged due to it piercing barriers, and it has an absurd uptime (because of the Orb). But the biggest issue: It scales with super lazily designed damage boosts, which we now have way too many of.
It allows her to instantly, without warning, pierce all shields and finish off any damaged squishy, especially if they aren’t being healed literally within that same second. It’s like consecutive Firestrikes at 10x speed that also have no animation wind-up.

Walls are key when she ultimates, it’s a linear beam, just a tip, if it works for Hanzo it works for her.