Here Is My Gameplay

Ok? Do you want to review it?

nah its for this guy that asked for my gameplay

So you dont want to review it? :slight_smile:

i mean if you wanna watch be my guest.

Watching it is useless if you are not interested for tips how to play better :slight_smile:

I watched attack and I can give you my review, but I wont do it if you posted if just for fun and are really not interesting into listening how to improve your gameplay because you believe you cant climb because of cheaters :slight_smile: Just saying.

If you really want help, just say it :slight_smile:

You are platinum or smurfing can’t tell, but I’m actually a high plat/diamond playing with some buddies.

Doesnt look like it. No hard feelings :slight_smile: Did I actualy missed something? I thought you cant climb from Gold to plat as you said in another topic?

My Peak is diamond, but if you are not interested, as you wish :slight_smile:


Okay it’s just an opinion no offense taken :joy: but yes that is the point of this acct. It was to Smurf and get a understanding of how stat based matchmaking and mmr affects a smurf. And the outcome is a lot of hackers and Smurfs. I enjoy the games I play and I did a 6 stack throw to not ruin any games, and the climb up was enjoyable and relaxing. And stat based matchmaking is proof that smurfing is not a problem. Because if one side has a player with good stats the other does too, but that’s not to say hacking isn’t a problem because it is.

Well its not exactly like that because matchmaking system doesnt know your true skill. Even if you smurf low, it doesnt mean enemy team will get someone good as you, not at all. I was using several alt accounts in past myself so I know what I am talking about. Matchmaker will really not balance you out, because your MMR will never be too far from SR even if you have godlike stats. By my calculations its probably max like 200 point. So If I would use example how matchmaker will create match:


1800 (You, actualy 3000 SR skilled player


Balanced match in eyes of matchmaker, where your higher MMR which is like 200 point different from actualy rank(SR) will be balanced by 4 players. Of course it can be balanced by 1 individual with higher MMR, but thats actualy pretty rare if you will be smurfing as Diamond in low Silver.

So on my example you can clearly see that smurfig is a problem, because system cant know your true rank while you are in low elo.


I’m not talking about mmr tho, i am talking about stat based, because once your mmr is above average rank it will move to stat based.

But matchmaker is not stats based, matchmaker is using MMR to create balanced games.


dude im trying to play a game here, point is hackers are a thing. Jeff sucks at fixing game.

Yes they are, and blizzard is fighting them but its not an easy fight as fighting vs cheaters is always one step behind them.


why can’t jeff just put the hammer down the, daddy jeff strong, hackers weak.

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They literary banned thousands of cheaters this year :slight_smile:

As I said, it is sadly never ending fight.


I SAID DADDY JEFF STRONG HACKERS WEAK. anyways have a nice day I gotta go take a shower and fly some planes.

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I recommend to you do not drop down from high ground. I really didn’t watch that all bcoz i allready saw as bronz player that cheaters are clearly not reason why you can’t glimb up. Also as said above Shadow can help you if you ask so and also listen.

Then why did you visor on point A with a Rein standing there? Even if you don’t get slept, you’re not going to kill anyone. They will just stand behind his shield.

The point was lost, and you guys had just discussed nano visor.