Help with for gender-specific translations for ES & PT

I wanted to add gender-specific translations for Spanish & Portuguese translations of my workshop game based on the hero chosen.

For Spanish:
If the player chose a male hero, the string will say “inmovilizado”.
If female hero, it will say “inmovilizada”.
If Bastion, it will say “inmovilizade”.

But when I test out the workshop game, it ends up with “inmovilizade” regardless of the hero chosen. Can fix?

You can see these 2 rules that trigger the condition:
“ES: After player has died, he/she will be unable to move for 6 seconds (rule by me, improved by Delwion)”
“Initialize heroes (for Spanish & Portugese gender-specific translations)”

The rule code:

rule("ES: After player has died, he/she will be unable to move for 6 seconds (rule by me, improved by Delwion)")
		Ongoing - Each Player;

		Is Game In Progress == True;
		Event Player.PlayerDied == True;
		Health(Event Player) == True;

		Wait(1, Ignore Condition);
		Disable Messages(Event Player);
		Set Status(Event Player, Null, Asleep, 5);
		Set Status(Event Player, Null, Invincible, 5);
		Set Status(Event Player, Null, Rooted, 5);
		Event Player.hudTimer = Total Time Elapsed;
		If(Hero Of(Event Player) == Global.MaleHeroes);
			Create HUD Text(Event Player, Custom String("¡Inmovilizado: {0}!", Round To Integer(Event Player.hudTimer + 5 - Total Time Elapsed,
				Up)), Null, Null, Top, 1, Color(Aqua), Color(Aqua), Color(Aqua), Visible To and String, Default Visibility);
		Else If(Hero Of(Event Player) == Global.FemaleHeroes);
			Create HUD Text(Event Player, Custom String("¡Inmovilizada: {0}!", Round To Integer(Event Player.hudTimer + 5 - Total Time Elapsed,
				Up)), Null, Null, Top, 1, Color(Aqua), Color(Aqua), Color(Aqua), Visible To and String, Default Visibility);
			Create HUD Text(Event Player, Custom String("¡Inmovilizade: {0}!", Round To Integer(Event Player.hudTimer + 5 - Total Time Elapsed,
				Up)), Null, Null, Top, 1, Color(Aqua), Color(Aqua), Color(Aqua), Visible To and String, Default Visibility);
		Event Player.UnableMsgTxt = Last Text ID;
rule("Initialize heroes (for Spanish & Portugese gender-specific translations)")
		Ongoing - Global;

		Global.MaleHeroes = Array(Hero(Baptiste), Hero(Doomfist), Hero(Genji), Hero(Hanzo), Hero(Junkrat), Hero(Lúcio), Hero(McCree), Hero(
			Reaper), Hero(Soldier: 76), Hero(Torbjörn), Hero(Wrecking Ball), Hero(Zenyatta));
		Global.FemaleHeroes = Array(Hero(Ana), Hero(Ashe), Hero(Brigitte), Hero(D.Va), Hero(Echo), Hero(Mei), Hero(Mercy), Hero(Moira),
			Hero(Pharah), Hero(Sombra), Hero(Symmetra), Hero(Tracer), Hero(Widowmaker));

Here’s the share code to try out (Spanish): XQQ5M


If(Hero Of(Event Player) == Global.MaleHeroes);
Else If(Hero Of(Event Player) == Global.FemaleHeroes);


If(Array Contains(Global.MaleHeroes, Hero of(Event Player));
Else If(Array Contains(Global.FemaleHeroes, Hero of(Event Player));

and your problem should be solved.


thanks. it works
will do